JS101 1 Policy Paper Each student will write a policy paper examining a specific social justice topic relevant to the course. Students will be allowed to choose from a predetermined list of acceptable general topics, and will then choose a more specific aspect upon which to focus. Students may also propose a topic, but it must be cleared by the instructor. The purpose of this paper is not just to specifically test knowledge, but to force critical thinking about an aspect of the chosen topic, and associated implications of policy or policies tied to the topic.This paper should be no more than about 2,000 words (not including the cover page or references). Direct quotations are not allowed; however, students may paraphrase material. Paraphrasing still requires proper APA citations. Students are not permitted to reuse any course work from a previous or currentcourse for the purposes of this paper. No late papers will be accepted barring a documented and valid need for a limited extension, which must be discussed with the instructor in advance of the deadline. General Formatting Requirements 1. A cover page2. Running Head (upper left-hand corner of the header)3. Page numbering (upper right-hand corner of the header)4. 1” margins on all sides5. Strict double-spacing (no additional space before or after each line – check paragraph settings)6.Times New Roman, 12 point font throughout your entire paper – cover page through references7. All text (with the exception of headings within the body of the paper) should be left-justified (i.e.,do not “Justify” the text of your paper as the spacing will be off).8. Written in formal English, with college-level writing mechanics and APA-style formatting,inclusive of in-text citations and referencesPaper Length, Source Requirements, and Structure 1.The paper must be no more than 2,000 words in length (not inclusive of the cover page orreferences).2.Only scholarly, peer-reviewed sources (i.e., journal articles) will be accepted (both theoretical andempirical in nature). Information from scholarly textbooks is permitted, but will not count asofficial source material3.The minimum number of sources required is eight.General Paper Structure:The structure the paper will include four main sections.I.IntroductionA.Introduce specific topic to be analyzedB.Provide any relevant historical information pertaining to the respective issue(s), theory(or theories), and most importantly, policy.
JS101 2 C.Thesis statement – The thesis statement should be a concise and declarative statementillustrating your assessment of the issue (i.e., what you have to say about your chosentopic, what is your position?)D.Briefly describe your plan of action to analyze your chosen topic in support of yourthesis (i.e., lay out a “roadmap” for the reader).II.Literature Review (The following describes an integrated literature review)A.Introduction to your literature review (expand on your “roadmap” statement)B.Develop subtopics based on your paper topic (about 3). Under each subtopic, provide anin depth analysis of your chosen topic, identified in the introduction, utilizinginformation garnered from scholarly sources, combined with your own originalthoughts (i.e., critical analysis).1.Summarize prior research2.Critique prior research3.Present pertinent conclusions (in brief) – more substantive conclusions will beaddressed in Part III of your paperC.Provide a summary (i.e., highlights from your literature review) that will naturally leadinto the Policy Critique and Implications section.III.Policy Critique and ImplicationsA.Summarize your assessment of the issue (i.e., chosen topic); the utility of existingtheory and data; and the efficacy or futility of current policy in place to address theissue.B.What policy changes need to be made? Reference back to substantive examples fromyour sources.C.How can your proposed policy changes be implemented, and what are the implicationsof those changes with respect to better addressing the issue?D.Future research needsIV.References (APA-style references for all scholarly sources used in your paper)Grading1.Completion of all areas of the assignment; following the structure and guidelines2.Writing mechanics and usage of APA format throughout the paper3.Critical thinking. Concluding/summary paragraphs must show evidence of sophisticated, novel,and insightful interpretations of past research. Do not simply end a paragraph/section by stating theconclusion of a study.4.Incorporate at least 8 proper sources. You may use alternative information to supplement yourthesis; however, they will not count as part of the 8 sources required.JS101 3 Proper Submission 1. Finalized versions of papers will be downloaded by the instructor, as such; papers must becomplete and in an acceptable word processing file format (i.e., *.doc, or *.docx only). Do notattempt to upload your assignment via Google Docs.2.No late submissions will be accepted.Pre- approved Topics The following is a list of pre-approved social justice topics. You may choose one, or come up with your own. If you choose one on your own, it must be cleared by the instructor.1. Systemic racism2. Healthcare disparity3. Impacts of COVID-194. Protests5. Police brutality6. Defunding the police7. Homelessness8. LGBTQ rights9. Mass incarceration, the use of solitary confinement, or Super Max facilities
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To conclude, wrongful convictions in the US have continued to increase over time due to many factors such as negligence, racial bias, speedy trial and convictions, and overstretched human resources. However, there are developments, like DNA testing, that have taken place to reduce these incidences. While the research was extensive, it did not provide many solutions for the problem. There were no conclusive suggestions of a clear roadmap that can help the country eliminate wrongful convictions. Also, many of the sources did not have a multi-faceted view of the issue. Many looked at it from the wrongfully convicted perspective, but few discussed the failing government institutions’ perspective. Law enforcement, the judicial system, and prosecution were not given voices to understand why the problem persisted and what they can term as viable solutions for the problem.