Ethical Leadership

Ethical Leadership

Prepare and submit a research paper, first screening it through Turnitin. Then post it to the BlackBoard discussion board for week 9 by the deadline for the paper. Also, email a copy of the paper to the instructor by the same deadline. There is a 5-point per day late penalty.

Prepare the paper using the American Psychological Association (APA) formatthis format is described in detail in the APA Publication Manual. Grading will stress content, analysis, and style. Seek to creatively applyleadership theory. The paper work must be more than a mere review of facts and articles. It must demonstratereasoning, by applying at least three relevant theories and models together to analyze the topic.

The paper must be at least three thousand words in length, not counting tables, figures, and any (optional) Appendices; it must correctly cite and use at least 10 references, NOT counting the textbook. ALL cited sources must appear both within the body of the text and in the References list. NOTE: for an “A” grade, the paper must use articles from at least 2 respected journals or books, such as those in the SUGGESTED READING list. Most of these periodicals are available on line from the Troy University Library.

Here is a suggested outline.


ABSTRACT — Limit to one page.

INTRODUCTION — Short! Explain why the topic is important! Include objectives of the paper.


ANALYSIS  — Apply the models; make inferences, draw conclusions.

DISCUSSION  — Discuss the implications of your findings above, especially for managers.

CONCLUSION – Restate your conclusions and sum up, in about one half page


APPENDICES  (optional)

In choosing a topic, avoid shallow, insipid generalities (e.g., “the importance of leadership”).

Choose a topic of current importance that has not been already overdone. Also, where possible, exemplify your concepts and conclusions by consistently referring to a single, real, focal leader. (Avoid US Presidents and generals.) Here are some suggestions:

The burnout of leaders                                    Removal of leaders

Leadership, power, corruption                     Substitutes for leadership

Followership                                                Cross cultural leadership

LMX in relation to other theories                Non-traditional  – e.g., native tribes, organized crime

Answer Preview

Therefore, ethical leadership principles form the foundations of the various modern work concepts, business and organizations, thus broadening the individual and corporate priorities beyond the  traditional business aims…

(3801 Words)

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