Leadership development

The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership as presented in your textbook. In Modules Two and Three, you spent time becoming more familiar with the first two practices: Model the Way and Inspire a Shared Vision. Think about your leadership skills. Specifically, think about the areas of improvement you listed in your leadership development action plan in Module One. Using the information in your leadership development action plan, address the following: I have attached the leadership plan.

This paper is to be done thoroughly. If you don’t have the time to present quality work please don’t accept. NO PLAGIARISM!!

  • Identify the three leadership areas you selected in Module One and analyze how the Model the Way and Inspire a Shared Vision practices will improve the leadership areas you selected.
  • Select one leadership theory or approach you reviewed in Modules Two and Three and analyze how it will help you with the three leadership areas you selected.
  • Guidelines for SubmissionSubmit assignment as a Word document with double spacing12point Times New Roman font, and oneinch margins. and citations in APA stylePaper shouldhave in text citations with accessible and verifiable references when checked.
Answer preview
The principal leadership areas that I selected included inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act and encouraging the heart. These three can be used as the essential guides that can help a leader to be able to achieve stability and achieve the goals that they may set. The practice of the way can go a long way in helping the other people to be encouraged to achieve other goals (Bolden, 2016). Such an exercise will go a long way in supporting other people to do new things or to accomplish the goals that have been…
(700 words)
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