PROGRAM assessment
AHS 6640 week 1 assignment
Week 1 Program Assessment Essay
Assessments are valuable in planning for culturally competent service delivery. In identifying relevant information, assessments must survey the community, clients served, and the program or services offered. Each assessment has two key goals: to determine how culturally competent the agency’s services are and to provide information for a long-term improvement and sustainability plan. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), assessment focuses on the following questions:
- What is the composition of the local population?
- Are all those who need care being served in the program?
- What is the level of satisfaction with the program among clients from minority groups?
- How prepared and competent is the program to meet the treatment needs of the diverse groups in the community?
For this assignment:
1. Research a program within a human services agency.
2. Write a 3-4-page paper in which you use the questions provided by SAMHSA (above) to assess the program.
- Who are the clients being served?
- What is the referral process?
- What is the completion rate for the program?
- Are the clients satisfied?
3. Evaluate the effectiveness of the program in meeting the needs of the population it intends to serve.
This essay must follow all APA style formatting requirements. For further guidelines on your paper, refer to the Essay Rubric
- Performing Cultural Competence AssessmentThis web link includes the Cultural Competency and Community Assessments for service delivery.
- Community Advancement Network This web link includes resources to understand diversity and inclusion.
- Natural Center for Cultural Competence This web link provides a variety of resources and assessments to enhance individual and organizational cultural competency.
- Organization Assessments for Cultural Competency This web link includes a variety of tools and samples related to organizational assessment for cultural competency.
- 10 Qualities of Culturally Competent Leaders This web link includes a blog article related to the qualities of culturally competent leaders.
- The Culturally Competent Leader The web link leads to a book chapter about culturally competent leaders.
- Wilmington University Library
Answer preview
In the United States, there are several human service agencies whose mandate is to launch programs that are of help to the citizens. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is one of the agencies that hold programs that are directed to a target population in the community. This agency mostly focuses those members of the public who are affected by drug and substance abuse and those individuals that have been affected by mental disorders either by birth or by being exposed through tough life experiences (Rubino, Esparza, & Chassiakos, 2018). SAMHSA has several programs to it, and the children’s mental health awareness program is one of them. This program takes place in many states around America and takes place ones a year. To commemorate the program, the agency in collaboration with the federal government and the department of health have set aside a day named children’s mental health awareness day.
Children’s Mental Health Awareness Program
Every program must have a target client or audience that it aims to s…
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