The Role and Function of Business Law

The Role and Function of Business Law

Business Law

Write a summary in a minimum of 1,400 words in which you discuss the roles of law and courts in today’s business environment. Include the following:

  • Explain the origins of the U.S. judicial system and how the judicial system impacts and affects businesses.
  • Discuss the concept of judicial review.
  • Describe the different forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and how they can be used in business.
  • Identify and explain how laws impact and play a role in global businesses.
  • Explain how foreign and local laws or regulations affect your current job or industry.

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Businesses are usually run in countries and states which usually have laws set which need to be followed by every citizen. Business law was developed to focus on the relationship that is there between business and law. It is essential for those people who have engaged in business or those that are planning to engage in business to understand business law. Business law is…

(1675 Words)

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