Social Science Question

Social Science Question

Using information reported in your Student Self-Assessment: Identify and discuss your own presuppositions: the primary presuppositions that function as you approach the counseling encounter and the issue of substance abuse. In other words, what do you take for granted? What are the fundamental assumptions/perspectives regarding substance abuse that you accept as given and true and unnecessary to prove? What beliefs and biases do you bring to the counseling encounter and the issue of substance abuse? How does this related to ethics as outlined by NASW’s Code of Ethics and NAADAC’s Code of Ethics? How do you plant to overcome any known or unknown biases and issues with competency? (4-5 pages) (students should have 4-5 academic references to support paper)

Requirements: 4-5 pages


Answer preview

Individuals will often have certain underlying presuppositions that might affect their decision-making. For counselors, especially those tending to clients’ needs dealing with substance abuse issues, having such presuppositions can curtail their ability to help the clients overcome these issues effectively. A presupposition denotes an inference or proposition whose truth is taken for granted in the utterance of a sentence (Founts, 2018). Like most people, I have certain underlying presuppositions that might affect my decision-making. As such, this paper will begin by looking at the fundamental assumptions pertaining to substance abuse I accept as given and accurate, and as such unnecessary to prove. The following section will highlight the biases I bring to the counseling encounter and the issue of substance abuse and relate them to the ethical principles enunciated under NASW’s Code of Ethics and NAADAC’s Code of Ethics.

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