2-Quantum Computing
3-Quantum effects in photosynthesis
4-discussion of the Schrodinger equation, which governs the time evolution of quantum states, and is the replacement of Newton’s 2nd law in quantum mechanics.
5-Operators Redux
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As the brain is composed of millions of neurons, so do computer is. The computer is made of the millions of miniature of ‘brain cells’ known transistors. They are made of silicon. John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley were the behind the invention of the transistors 5 decades ago. Transistors can be used as an amplifier or a switch. Transistors are known to amplify current to produce bigger amounts on the other end. On the other hand, as a switch, a transistor is used to cut the flow of current. Basically, transistors work in a more complex way. It works as a result of semiconducting properties. Silicon is this case doped in a way it makes electrons to move in a more freeway, in other words, it’s negatively charged which known as n-type (Li, et al., 2014). Consequently, it can be doped to make electrons to less freely, therefore, it becomes positively charged; silicon-treated this way is known as p-type.(726words)