Business Plan Part 2

This is a continuation of a Business Plan. This part is a 40 page part 2 of the Business Plan. The 40 pages does not include the cover or reference page. Between Part 1 I have attached and Part 2, there must be a total of 35 sources of research. The innovation idea and company have already been created. This is part one of the paper. First part is the literature review portion, I have attached a word document of the instructions. The person I choose, will continue the paper weekly for the following 6 weeks.

Fortune 500 Company: EXXON Mobil

Location: Riverside, CA

Innovation: A mobile fuel subscription service that will fuel your car while at work, home, or any location. Customers can schedule appointment by phone call or phone App. On top of the mobile fueling, each visit will check the customers, air pressure, and make sure fluids are top offed.

I have attached a PDF including the instructions below for part 2 of the business plan. I have also attached the Business Plan Outline and PArt 1 that has already been written.

Assignment 4: Business Plan – Part 2
Length: 30 – 40 double-spaced pages (does not include cover page and reference page(s))*.

It often takes students twice as many pages to cover this material.
*Some students find that it takes more pages to complete this assignment

Due: Week 6 Sunday Midnight (PST)
Post: Week 6 Assignments Folder
It is critical that as you write the Business Plan to incorporate citations from the text books
used in the BBA program. Do not copy and paste from your (or others) assignments from
previous classes (that is an Academic Integrity Violation). But do apply and cite the concepts
from what you have learned.
For this assignment you are to review your Outline (Assignment 2) and then fill in and actually
write the second half of the Business Plan. Before you submit this assignment review ALL the
instructor feedback from Assignment 3 and do not continue to make the same mistakes. For
example, if your instructor reminds you that you are not using APA, or APA headings, be sure you
make this second assignment follow those guidelines.
After you receive feedback on this assignment (after Week 6) you will combine the first half of
the Business Plan with the second half of the Business Plan for your final Signature Assignment
for this class.
For this assignment prepare and write out the following sections of your proposed business. Use
APA and follow APA guidelines for your headings. Each section is to have primary source data
and you should cite the text book at least three (3) times in this section. Remember to alphabetize
all of your sources for this paper and list them in a reference section at the end. It is recommended
that you use only short citations, up to fifteen words. Trying to fill up your paper with long
citations of five to ten lines long is never appropriate in a Business Plan. If you quote more than
40 words, follow APA guidelines in doing so:
Also remember the “voice” of a Business Plan is never to write that something “must” or “should”
be done. The Business Plan “voice” is to recommend or provide options and opportunities. Also
avoid using any pronouns (we, us, they, them, etc.) as they are always confusing and should be
completely avoided in a Business Plan.
For this paper have at least six (6) pages* for each major section (Operations plan) and to have at
least four to five paragraphs on all of the smaller sections (Key Suppliers). Often students need
twice that amount of pages to successfully complete this assignment. Furthermore, a paragraph is
usually about a third of a page and is never just one sentence: Each major section should have a minimum
of two to three citations (not quotes), many will have twice that amount. It is never allowed to
have a single sentence paragraph.

After you have written this assignment you need to go back and look at Assignment 2 and write
the Executive Summary and submit that at the front end of Assignment 2. Remember you have
already written 2 – 7 in the first half of the Business Plan (so the numbering appears to be off
below, but it is not).
1. Executive Summary
It is recommended that you write this before you submit this paper but not until you have
finished all of the sections below.
The purpose of an Executive Summary is to write a brief description of your plan that
allows the reader to gain the essence of the entire plan in less than two pages. It is intended
to give a busy executive the key information and lead the reader to the sections that will
answer the executive’s primary questions. It is not an introduction to the plan, as you may
have written in typical papers. This Executive Summary, although positioned first in the
project, should actually be written last. That way you know what you are summarizing.
Writing it earlier will cause it to tend towards a traditional introduction. The elements of
an Executive Summary are:
● Purpose of the plan (attract investors, diversification, etc.)
● Introduction to market opportunity
● Brief description of the company
● A description of the unsatisfied need that creates the business

2. Operations Plan (operations for product or service from the beginning to the end of
the supply chain (Cradle to Cradle) of the supply chain, technology, expert advice).
Key suppliers, Customers, and Operations
◉ List of potential suppliers
◉ Production and Service Delivery Procedures
◉ Supply Chain process flow chart (how goods and services will flow from the supplier
all the way through the organization to the customer). These are some examples:
◉ Products return process
◉ Supplier Relationship Management
◉ Logistics
◉ Packaging
◉ Transportation
9. Financial Plan (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, personal
financial statement [not included in student plan – but students need to be aware of
this requirement], financial ratios, forecasts, expert advice).
● Financial Analysis
◉ Funds required and their sources
◉ Current funding requirements
◉ Funding requirements over the next three years (key ratios to focus on)
◉ Use of funds

◉ Loss Control
● Financial statements for first three (3) years (monthly first year and annually for
years two and three) (may use template)
◉ Income statements
◉ Balance sheets
◉ Cash flow statements
◉ Determine capital requirements
◉ Determine funding sources
10. Action Plan: Steps to take to implement business plan including performance
evaluation criteria
11. Conclusions & Recommendations
• Conclude why your business is a viable business venture (or a viable business/strategic
path for the client company)
• Explain why the student should or should not pursue the business venture at this time
(or why or why not the client)
• business should pursue the path under investigation)
12. Appendices & Reference Section (Reference section will include at least 35 sources
for research for the business plan and APA citation will be provided for each source).
Examples for other Appendices include:
a. Key employee resumes, product and advertising samples, press clippings
b. First impression collateral (e.g. cover letters for sources of income, brand,
printing, design, charts, graphs and tables, multimedia presentations, etc.)
c. Information that creates capital (market research, communication plan,
financing, websites, trade groups, associations, etc.)

This section continues with the Arabic numbering of pages. Only sources of information that have
actually been cited in the project are included here. (see APA sample paper
The appendices continue with the Arabic numbering of pages from the previous section. (see APA
sample paper
This section includes information that is too detailed to be included in its entirety in the body of
the project. This would include raw data, sample questionnaires, and detailed computations. This
section would also include information that is referred to but is not essential to the project, such as
relevant policies, laws, forms, pamphlets, sample letters sent to organizations and subjects, or
subject consent forms.

Answer preview

The purpose of the plan is to establish implementation of a mobile fuel subscription service that ExxonMobil Inc., can use over its competitors to expand its market size and to take advantage of new markets not earlier utilized. The plan highlights the objectives to provide fuel to the convenience of the customers in environmentally safe operations delivering the product to the customer either at the workplace or home in Riverside California. The plan also indicates that the innovation which is new in the oil and gas industries will attract more customers to use the services of ExxonMobil than for other close competitors in Riverside and entire California.  Through the plan, the company vision which is to be the leading manufacturer and distributor of oil and gas products in the world will be realized fully by taking advantage of the expanding industries to grow its portfolio.  The plan demonstrates the potential that the company has to use the digital marketplaces and be in proximity to the customer’s premises and workplaces meeting all their fuel needs….

(12000 words)

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