Cardiomyopathy and congenital heart diseases.

Respond to the following discussion question with citations and References including the topic in the paragraph.

CAT Exercise

Compare the similarities and differences between heart failure in an adult versus a child. What treatment options are currently available? What are the pros and cons of the treatments? How would you educate the parents of a child with heart failure?

Answer preview

CHF is treated by Congestive Heart Failure drugs, Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACE), Beta-Blockers, diuretics, and surgeries. Treatment procedures, such as surgeries, help to cure certain heart conditions. However, diuretics such as aspirin and ibuprofen can result in toxicity of the liver leading to death. Moreover, procedures such as heart transplants are expensive. Parents having children with heart failure should form focus groups where they will be informed of factors that contribute to children’s heart failure. This includes a poor diet where they need to be educated on eating a healthy diet rich in vitamins and whole-grain foods. Reduction of solid fats, sugar-added foods, sodium, and dairy products need to have less or no fat. Parents should also ensure the monitoring of children at home and recording crucial information that can be used in medical assessments when needed. (Bajcetic, Uzelac & Jovanovic, 2014). `

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