
Comparison of Grit and Growth Mindset


The theme this week (“Friends and Enemies”) introduced the idea that tangible or intangible resources or obstacles can serve as your friends and enemies as you pursue your college degree. Note that your friends and enemies can be interpreted as your opportunities and threats. If you have not yet read this week’s lectures or viewed the videos, please do so before starting this assignment.

Address the following items in your paper:

1.Opportunities and Threats

a. As we discussed last week, a SWOT analysis is a tool that helps businesses and individuals assess their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. For this assignment, you will focus on Opportunities and Threats.

b. To generate your list of Opportunities, explore the Grantham catalog or website to identify at least three opportunities (resources) you will rely on the most as you pursue your degree. Write a paragraph of at least 250 words to convey your opportunities.

c. To generate your list of Threats, think about your personal and professional obligations to identify at least three threats that you may need to overcome as your pursue your degree. Write a paragraph of at least 250 words to convey your threats.

Cineplex Entertainment’s


Case Study-Cineplex Entertainment The Loyalty Program

After reviewing the case, respond to the following questions:

1. Aside from gaining the CRM benefits, what would Lewthwaite like to achieve with respect to the 5.3 million unique visitors, their 7.5 average annual visits and their spending? Do you agree with segmentation by age and the purported movie-going behavior?

2. How might the reward programs described in case Exhibit 5 affect the movie and event-going behavior of the market segments? At retail value, what is the proposed average value of each reward structure for customer’s dollars spent – approximately 5 percent, 10 percent, 15 percent, or 20 percent of regular prices? Which reward structure would you choose? Why? For the sake of simplicity, ignore any one-time fees or rewards.

Business Obligations


Read Case 1 and Answer the Following Questions: : (1500 words only)

– Identify and analyse each legal issue in relation to the relevant laws. (Support your answers with relevant laws and regulations in Oman.)

– Provide advice to Mr. Badar and Mr. Yousuf.

Read Case 2 and Answer the Following Questions: (1500 words only)

– Identify and analyse each legal issue in relation to relevant contract laws and tort laws. (Support your answer with relevant laws and regulations in Oman.)

– Provide Advice to:

i. The Ministry of Sports as to their liability to Mabela builders and Seeb Seating Company.

ii. Mabela builders as to their obligation to the Ministry of Sports.

Employees success


Mentoring for Success

An important role of a manager is being a mentor to others. Successful managers are those who enable others to reach their potential by providing opportunities for education and growth through inspiration, trust, and confidence. For an organization to be healthy and robust, employees need to feel successful and competent. It is a primary role of the manager to ensure their employees success

As you reflect on this program, consider the lessons you have learned for positive mentorship as a manager. In addition, remember that in order to help others improve you must continue to evolve and improve your skills as a manager.

To prepare for this Discussion, reflect on how your understanding of the responsibilities of a manager has evolved over the course of this program. What will you do to mentor and ensure the success of others?

Now answer and addresses the following:

Imagine you have been asked to mentor students coming into the Master of Science in Management program. What advice would you give them in order to help them be successful and get the most out of the program? What approach to studying or research did you use or develop as you went through the program that you would share with them?
Describe a time in your personal or professional life when someone has mentored you. Evaluate how this experience will impact how you, as a manager, will serve as a mentor to others?
In order to effectively mentor others, you must stay up to date on the evolving field of management. In the Resources for this week, there is a list of suggested management books that should be part of a successful manager’s library. In your own research and studies, what is a resource (or resources) that you believe every manager should have? Provide the complete reference. This can be an article, a book, a media piece—something that has strengthened and motivated you as a manager and will help with your ability to mentor others. What do you see as the value of this resource?

Canadian Tire


Students will prepare a library-assisted research report on an organization that they would like to work for post-graduation. In your own words, please include:

Background: (no more than one-third of paper)

A brief history of the organization

Its mission, products, services
Basic information, such as its market share, competitive position, employee mix (please include at least two “visuals”)

The key challenges that the organization faces and how it plans to meet those challenges
Your sense of the organization’s values and “culture,” indicating the basis for your analysis (use the questions and material in our textbook in your analysis)

If relevant, what makes this organization successful—or even outstanding—in its field (in your view)
Why you initially chose this organization
Whether, after having completed your research, you still think it is an organization that you would like to work for when you graduate (please explain your reasons)

Identify five key questions that you would ask the head of Human Resources in this organization, if you were fortunate enough to land an interview with their HR Department

Analysis: (a least two-thirds of the research paper)

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