
Biblical worldview perspective


Write a paper from a biblical worldview perspective that develops on the legal concepts of (1) the elements of a contract and how contracts differ from the biblical covenant; and (2) responsibility and how Christians should fulfill business obligations.

Compose the research paper in accordance with APA standards and cite a minimum of six (6) scholarly peer reviewed sources as references, as well as multiple biblical references (word count range 1400-1600 words).

Make sure you write a paper rather than merely discuss miscellaneous topics (your information needs to flow with an introduction, a roadmap, and a conclusion);

Make sure you discuss legal topics and include biblical perspectives on the principles (not only one or the other);
Try to write in active voice rather than passive;
Try to write without using the word “it” (you do not need “it”); and

Essay & (Research) Paper Grading Rubric





1.Conceptual Understanding & Critical Thinking

The essay/paper directly addresses the assigned topic and provides a thoughtful answer to each question demonstrating critical thinking and a sound understanding of the issues.



2.Integration of Scripture and additional Text/ Resources

Writing is supported with Scripture as well as with course text and unassigned materials (at least 1 external resource in essays, 2 in papers and 3 in research papers).



3. Application/ Personal Experience

The essay/paper provides integration and application of course theories and principles and relates to personal experience when appropriate.

Business Ethics and Ethical Reasoning


Describe an action a regulatory agency took against a business in the past 6 months. Post a link to your source. Do you agree or disagree with the action? Explain your reasoning and support it with the materials from this week.
Respond to at least one of your fellow classmates. Do you agree with their position? State at least one reason why or why not. Describe the effect the regulatory agency they have referenced has on the business environment.

– Classmate:

So the agency I chose was the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Department of Transportation. (DOT). We are going to be talking about Airworthiness Directive 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA-2018-0299; Product Identifier 2018-NM-060-AD; Amendment 39-19256; AD 2018-08-03] RIN 2120-AA64 in regards to the Airworthiness Directives, on the Boeing Company Airplanes. And that they are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for The Boeing company model airplanes powered by Rolls-

The invisible Hook


Read the book ” The invisible Hook ” of Peter Leeson that I attached the ebook file here.

Write a book review similar to what one would see in business journals

2300 words

Ps: It is very important for my grade in class, so please help me work on it carefully.

Mock business or organization


Last week, you chose a mock business or organization to focus your work on throughout the course. You also created a Reader Analysis Chart which helped you to identify the needs, values, and attitudes of potential stakeholders in your project.

Every business or organization offers a product or service. This week, you are tasked with introducing your business or organization and the product(s) or service(s) it offers.

To do this, you will need to craft two separate Letters of Introduction, one to a reader who will be in direct contact with your business or organization (primary readers), and another to the members of a local community organization (secondary readers).

In each letter, include a brief technical description of the product or service your business or organization provides, define the targeted users of this product or service, and demonstrate how this product or service might benefit the reader (letter one) and the community (letter two).

Regulatory Agencies


Regulatory Agencies

– From an organizational ethics perspective, what does the phrase “Tone at the top” mean to you? Why do you think this reference has so much meaning in any organization?

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