
Region’s economic and political actions


Hello, I have an essay, I will post the requirements and the prompt. I will provide the lecture slides and the readings that you can use to write this essay. NO outside sources, but you can of course use the internet to get more knowledge about the subject. I have attached some lectures and readings, i will attach the rest after the question is accepted.


Why did the United States develop a sphere-of-influence in Western Europe (and Japan) after 1945 – and why was such an approach possible after World War II but not after World War I? Why and how did this sphere-of-influence develop into a Liberal International Order? Lastly, how did the postwar order-building efforts by both the U.S. and Soviet Union lead to the Cold War?

Coronavirus outbreak


Write an Essay of no more than 600 words where you discuss the problem that low income countries are facing due to the coronavirus outbreak. Offer 3 policy recommendations (or “solutions”) on how to deal with this crisis. What should be the role of developed countries?

Field of economics


Select an economist from the Noted Economists found in the Lessons Tab. (I will send the list once assigned)

Write a 500 to 1000 word paper using at least three outside sources in APA style format. The paper should include brief background on the economist, their school of thought, and their contributions to the field of economics. This paper is submitted via SafeAssign to analyze originality of content.

Be sure throughout to use in-text citations, placing the following at the end of the sentence where you paraphrase a source:

(Author’s Last Name, Year of Publication, Page # if direct quote)

If it’s a general webpage:

(webpage title, web site) ex. (Adam Smith, Wikipedia)

Also include a reference section.

Political and economic conditions


Research the codes of conduct of a large company, such as Microsoft, and a small company in your local community and compare the issues that they cover. Describe the commonalities and differences of content in the codes. Discuss why you think there are differences in the content of the codes.

2. Consider the current situation and prevailing political and economic conditions in Brazil, a BRIC country. As a manager who has been considering investment in Rio de Janeiro, how do you assess the political and economic risks at this time?

Your response must be at least 500 words in length for both questions.

Monopolistic Competition


To review a published article from a reputable media source, addressing economic theory and policy topics that relate to the material we covered in Managerial Economics.

The topics are: Market Structure (Perfectly Competitive, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, Monopoly), Game Theory, and Price Discrimination.


– Article should not be more than 2 years old, and should be from a reputable print media source, such as The Economist, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, etc. Please check with me if you are not sure.

– Two students cannot review the same article. Therefore, once you have decided on an article, post the article title, source and date on the Sakai/Courses forum that has been created for this assignment. You will have the option to change the article, but make sure you update your post if you do, so that everyone is aware.

– Length should be 1.5-2 pages double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 font, Time New Roman.

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