Educational Communications and Technology


If you are not a teacher, find the most appropriate code of ethics for your professional area, such as the American Telemedicine Association, or the Association for Educational Communications and Technology.

Genetic disease


After studying the course materials located on Module 4: Lecture Materials & Resources page, answer the following:

principle of utilitarianism states


After reading the case in the Activity “Something’s Rotten in Hondo,” provide an example of an ethical dilemma you have encountered in your professional life. Using the theories and suggestions from the

Human subject protections


As we begin to learn about research we should study-examine and discuss the below topical areas.

Role and importance of ethical research


As we begin to learn about research we should study-examine and discuss the below topical areas.

Statistical methods


From any one of the situational factors, explore how you can identify how the factors may have “encouraged” you to do an unethical behavior.

Bentham’s Principles of Morals and Legislation


Read excerpts from Bentham’s Principles of Morals and Legislation from the link provided. (1) Using your own words, give a brief summary of utilitarianism; (2) Select two quotes from the reading to

Your Original Post must answer the question


Your Original Post must answer the question fully in all its parts and address possible objections to your ethical reasoning. You must also connect your Original Post to the course by having at least one

Code of Ethics Case Study


If you are not a teacher, find the most appropriate code of ethics for your professional area, such as the American Telemedicine Association, or the Association for Educational Communications and Technology.

Creative Writing Question


Each group should research and submit a paper/video/project about an organization that has encountered a serious ethical dilemma in the past. BE CAREFUL TO CHOOSE AN

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