principle of utilitarianism states

After reading the case in the Activity “Something’s Rotten in Hondo,” provide an example of an ethical dilemma you have encountered in your professional life. Using the theories and suggestions from the reading, compare and contrast the way you approached your dilemma to the way Bill handled the ethical dilemma in the case study. What was the outcome regarding your dilemma and what, if any, suggestions from the reading would you employ next time? Do you agree or disagree with the way Bill handled his situation? Please illustrate your response with examples from the reading.

Something’s Rotten in Hondo


In this scenario, George, the plant manager, must make a decision about how to handle air contamination caused by the plant where he works. What would you do if you were George? Which ethical decision making rule would you apply to help guide your decision? Why?

Hondo Mini-Case…

Requirements: More than 15 characters, Less than 4000 characters

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-Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.

Answer preview

The principle of utilitarianism states that to be in such a dilemma, the morally right course of action is the one that produces the most incredible balance of benefits over harms. George’s decision of running the plant at night provides the greatest benefit as all workers would retain their jobs while avoiding being caught exceeding EPA emission levels (Mackee & Bill, 1992). That would give Bill enough time to restructure costs to buy new scrubbers in the future, which would decrease Ardnak’s emission levels and let them comply with EPA’s testing. Based on the theory of utilitarianism, George and I handled the ethical dilemma in the best possible way. However, George’s decision would still pollute the Hondo air. Also, in my decision, I reduced harm but still caused harm to the Bangladesh company. Overall, both our decisions follow the principle of utilitarian benefits as the decision benefits more than they harm.

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