
Adlerian Principles Synchronous


Adlerian Principles Synchronous Part 1 View the video resource from Dr. Jay Colker and related resource material. Then, respond to the following prompts: Identify the main ideas presented in the […]

Elimination complexities


question 1 – Discuss how elimination complexities can affect the lives of patients and their families. Discuss the nurse’s role in supporting the patient’s psychological and emotional needs. Provide an example.

The Evolution of Social Media Standards and Practices


Analyze the evolution of social media standards and practices and how it relates to the potential need for regulation of social media, along with ethical concerns.



The context that had created and supported the Jeffersonian world view (that of the yeomanfarmer as the bedrock of American democracy and the American economy) disappeared by the mid-nineteenth century, prompted by a shift toward an economy based on commerce, manufacturing, and larger scale agricultural endeavors. What is your best explanation for why this change took place? What impact did this change have upon the ethics and civics of what it meant to be an American? Be sure to consider change over time and geographical differences in your analysis. 

Wallace’s Five-Fold Classification and the Passover Seder


Wallace’s Five-Fold Classification and the Passover Seder: In the textbook, Studying Religion Chapter 5 on Ritual, it discusses the typology (classification system) used by Anthony Wallace to help understand “Rituals” (Pages 93-94.) As the book says, Wallace sees religious rituals as aiming to “bring about or to prevent changes”, and he, therefore, classifies rituals into five types according to the types of changes or transformations they are thought to cause or prevent. Read Chapter Five, and especially read the description of the Research Case of the seder, the Jewish ritual meal held in the home during the

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