Adlerian Principles Synchronous

Adlerian Principles Synchronous

Part 1

View the video resource from Dr. Jay Colker and related resource material. Then, respond to the following prompts:

  • Identify the main ideas presented in the resources.
  • Combine these Adlerian ideas and principles with established applied psychology approaches and your existing personal value systems and social engagements. What would this look like within an organization, group or system?

Part 2

After completing the synchronous session, reflect and create a 5-minute presentation responding to the prompts below.The presentation should contain 7-10 supporting slides.

Defend the value of developing ethical practices within groups, communities, and public and private sector systems.


Answer preview

Adlerian Psychology

One of the main ideas presented is the concept of Adlerian therapy, which was developed by Alfred Adler. Adler was an Australian citizen born in 1870. He experienced a long period of sickness during his childhood and witnessed his brother’s death, making him want to study medicine (Samaroo, 2020). Adrelian therapy is a goal-oriented…

(300 words)

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