The topic is: how’s the different race do business? Pick 2 races and compare, one is the Jews and one is Chinese. Please write two pages. This paper needs to be written from Anthropology perspective. APA format. Please talk about Chinese do business more. And this is a group paper, so please just write body paragraph. Don’t need to write introduction and conclusion.
Please remember, just write body paragraph. And please write more about Chinese.
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On the other hand, the ethics of conducting business among the Jews has dramatically been affected by their religion, Judaism. The belief is based on the written law of the Torah, which governs how trade takes place. Firstly, business relations are crucial in Jewish business, especially the association between employers and employees. Jews business is hierarchical as they are not strict compared to those of the Chinese people. The aspect of seniority is not highly restricted, and employers are expected to treat their subordinates equally and relatively contrary to the Chinese way of doing business. The most valued practice of Jewish business culture is honesty, which must be applied in the form of doing business. This value has been derived from the strong advocacy of openness in the Torah. Therefore, business persons are expected to be honest in the market operations, thus prohibited from falsifying weights or offering personal favors as bribes (Green, 2017). It contradicts the Chinese code of conduct within organizations whereby bribes are given to the right people, which is generally acceptable.