Community-centered activity

LESSON 10 DISCUSSION – Relationships are Intervention

In youth work, we believe that “relationships are intervention.”

– Describe what this means. Give examples.

– Relate this approach to working with our FSI family. Be specific regarding how you would apply this approach to the teens and the Grandmother in the FSI family. (Case study which is attached)

– Describe how you would apply the protective and promotive factors in your work with the FSI family.

Requirements: 200 word minimum

Answer preview

. Offering economic security like a job will make the family more mentally and emotionally stable as they will be able to support themselves, and I would have given them security and independence (Zych, Farrington, & Ttofi, 2019). I would use the protective approach by working with the FSI family to find areas where they are strong and areas of improvement to ensure that children are never mistreated again in the FSI family home. I would try to collaborate the FSI with other service providers to support children and families and promote their wellbeing, hence creating long-term relationships.

[393 Words]

Community-centered activity
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