Have you thought about how you can be an agent of change in your professional practice? As you consider your professional goals, think about your vision for social change and how you can be an agent of change in the lives of your future clients and in the lives of your colleagues in the counseling profession.
For this Blog, you will examine Walden’s social change mission and your vision for social change in your future professional practice.
Note: Blogs are conversational in nature and are intended to generate ideas and encourage discussion. Therefore, no APA citations of Learning Resources are required for your Blog posts. Your Blog posts need to be graduate-level from a grammar perspective.
Walden University envisions a distinctively different 21st-century learning community where knowledge is judged worthy to the degree that it can be applied by its graduates to the immediate solutions of critical societal challenges, thereby advancing the greater global good.
Review this week’s Learning Resources, specifically the Walden Social Change website, and familiarize yourself with Walden’s mission for social change.
Review your Week 1 Blog post and consider your professional goals and the clientele you might want to work with in your future professional practice.
Based on your vision for social change, what might you establish as professional goals for your future practice?
Respond to one of your colleague’s Initial Blog post with a Peer Response that will generate ideas and initiate conversation.
Return to this Blog in a few days to read the responses to your initial Blog post. Note what insights you have gained as a result of your colleagues’ responses.
Requirements: as mention
Answer preview
Abiding by the vision and mission of Walden University, I will be able to apply the knowledge acquired in my practice in enhancing positive social change through the partnership with clients under my care and my colleagues. Through the partnership, learning about a problem from another person’s perspective will enhance the understanding of the problem and aid in identifying the possible aspects that will be addressed to impact the needed change. My goals for future practice will entail helping my clients build and maintain relationships through my partnership with them which will be essential in building trust. In addition, through the partnership, I will be able to influence my clients to reach their potential