Discussion: Imperialism and WWI

Discussion: Imperialism and WWI

Please read the assigned chapters (Chapters 11-17) in our textbook. Then complete your assignment choice and be sure to respond to one of your peers.

choose one option

Option A: Africa was a continent divided between rival imperial powers in the 19th century. For this assignment, please use our text and the web links to answer the following questions. How did European attitudes about Africans lead to European colonization of Africa? Give specific examples of people such as Cecil Rhodes. European imperialism had several effects on Africa. Identify and analyze several of those effects. Be sure to include specific examples such as the Berlin Conference, apartheid, Belgian Congo…

Option B: As with Africa and India, some areas also experienced the long arm of European imperialism. Please discuss the Opium Wars. What were they, when did they happen, and why? What were the consequences of the Opium Wars for China?

Option C: After reading the chapter on WWI and websites that include videos, pictures, and articles about WWI. Then, answer the following questions. What factors led to the outbreak of WWI? Why was it longer, more costly, and more deadly than anticipated? What were the long term consequences of WWI?

Requirements: 350 words for main entry minimum and 150 words minimum for the response to student entry.


Answer  preview

The First World War (WWI) remains one of the most tragic wars experienced globally. The war began small but soon became more extensive than anticipated taking longer than expected and bearing adverse effects decades later. The most immediate cause of the war was the assignation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Serbia killed Archduke Ferdinand to contend Austrian control over Bosnia and Herzegovina (Manic & Stepic, 2017). This brought about the second reason for the war, which was the existence of mutual defense alliances. Austria declared war on Serbia; Russia came to help Serbia; Germany then went against Russia and continued the ripple effect. Nations allied to each group came to help each other, further intensifying the war. Nationalism led to the scramble for control of boundaries, which increased tension among different countries (Manic & Stepic, 2017). Also, imperialism caused conflict among nations as it was not clear which country had control over which offshore territories, and each scrambled

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