Evidence-based family interventions

Tittle: Literature Review-The Protecting Strong African American Families Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial with Rural African American Couples
Choose Topic: Psychology
Select number of pages: 2
Question Description: Literature review of evidence-based family interventions that could be used to Balance Work and Family—Family of 3 (African American parents and child (7 years old)).
Concern is one parent (father) who is unable to balance work. Using the article attached and *one other article* (related to Solution Focused Therapy or family system therapy), present research on at least 2 different interventions (CBT and Solution Focused Therapy) that could be used to address Balance of Work and Family with African American Families. Make sure article is no more than 5 years old. A minimum of six references are required.
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Besides, CBT, Mr. Walden, and other African American families dealing with an unhealthy work-life balance can also use solution-focused therapy to address the problem. Solution-focused therapy is a collaborative process that brings together a client and a therapist who work together to find a solution to the problem facing a patient (Grant, 2017). The fact that a client is involved in coming up with treatment goals and plans makes the process even more effective (Hosseinpour et al., 2015). Solution-focused therapy can help Mr. Walden find solutions to the issues that are adversely affecting his work-life balance. Through this process, he will learn not only why working long hours’ makes it harder for him to fulfill his familial obligations but also how to work the problem and overcome the issue. Most parents go to work in order to provide for their families. However, sometimes such a responsibility pushes parents to overwork themselves, eating into the time they would otherwise spend with their families. Solution-focused therapy will give such families a chance to recognize the source of the problem and then work towards addressing it (Kim et al., 2015).

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Evidence-based family interventions
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