Examining Policies and Programs to Improve Racial Equity

Examining Policies and Programs to Improve Racial Equity

one page background about the policy paper

i need one page paragraph about the policy paper am working on. this is the description about the policy paper:

Examining Policies and Programs to Improve Racial Equity (Los Angeles World Airports)

The purpose of this project (or these projects) is to assist Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) in analyzing various policies and programs that both LAWA and the City of Los Angeles currently have in place to combat racial inequity, assess the extent to which such policies have been successful in fostering racial equity or have come up short in that regard, and develop recommendations to improve racial equity.

LAWA has established an interdepartmental task force – the Racial Equity Core Team – to examine this issue. The Core Team has identified two separate projects:

1.Internal Staff Project : Surveying data from the 3000+ staff members about this issue. The purpose of this is to engage airport employees in identifying issues and solutions to address racial equity, identifying training, education, work assignments, or other factors that have contributed to promotional success of minority staff members, and developing recommendations for programs or policies to improve the diversity of airport staff members across all positions.

this is what the professor asked for the background : am just looking for a few paragraphs that describe the nature of the problem and perhaps a brief description of the status quo.

so LAWA made a team and they are working with us to spread the survey and get the results to find the problem, now we are nearly done from the survey.

Answer preview

Racial inequity has been a significant problem raised based on the leadership of Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA).  Embracing cultural diversity is an aspect that LAWA authorities have failed to reinforce despite serving in an organization that welcomes people from all walks of life…

(300 words)

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