From the time of the kouros statues to thekritios and up to Dorphoros and the Riace Warriors (meaning include and discuss these four works of art in your essay) describe in detail the evolution of Greek sculpture,giving specific examples of how it evolved and changed over time.
The essay must be no greater than 600 words (means up to 600 words), and it must contain in-text citations that effectively support your argument.
This means that you utilize the sources to support the claims of your essay. For example:
In paragraph 1 you make this____________ claim and you support the claim by using the resources provided. This requires you to engage with the material and will be the format for all of your essays.
Please use a correct and consistent format: MLA, APA, or Turabian/Chicago.
Include word count. Only the actual essay counts towards words.
Requirements: Evolution of Greek Sculpture.
Answer preview
All these got captured in the Kritios Boy, which was the first art form to showcase the human figure in motion. According to Spivey (2012), the contrapposto pose used in the Kritios Boy marked the transition from the stiffness associated with the Archaic Kouroi to a more realistic and naturalistic style. Another sculpture that also embraced this was the Doryphoros. The figure in this sculpture adopts the Severe-style face and a contrapposto pose. In addition, the figure’s left heel stands above the ground, creating an illusion of its ability to walk. The Riace Warriors marked the culmination of the Classical style of Greek sculpture. According to Catherine E. Olson (2015), the two warriors were created using the Severe-style. This style is evident from the placid expression on the warriors’ faces. Besides this, the contrapposto stance is also seen from the two warrior figures.