List in details 3 different marketing campaigns you will do for your business and why you chose these marketing campaigns specifically (Tv ads, Radio, Magazine, Newspapers, Internet, social media, influencers, sponsorships, mobile, place advertisement, product placement, point of purchase ads … etc.. )
Requirements: 3 pages
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One of the marketing campaigns that will be chosen is social media campaigns. In this strategy, the marketing with be undertaken on social media platforms like Twitter, Tiktok, Facebook, Instagram, and others (Shawky, Kubacki, Dietrich, & Weaven, 2019). The social media campaign will help me in t reaching a large audience at a lower cost compared to TV ads, radio, magazines, or newspapers. With billions of people having social media accounts, it will be advisable for NextLife enterprises to leverage social media campaigns. This strategy will help the company receive immediate responses from the customer about the goods marketed.