As we discussed please work on first part of this project and let me know if you have any questions
You have recently been hired as a Chief InformationGovernance Officer (CIGO) at a large company (You should choose your industry). This is a newly created position and department within the organization that was founded on the need to coordinate all areas of the business and to provide governance of the information. You will need to hire for all positions within your new department.
The company has been in business for more than 50 years and in this time has collected vast amounts of data. Much of this data has been stored in hard copy format in filing cabinets at an offsite location but in recent times, collected business data is in electronic format stored in file shares. Customer data is being stored in a relational database, but the lack of administration has caused data integrity issues such as duplication. There are currently no policies in place to address the handling of data, business or customer. The company also desires to leverage the marketing power of social media, but has no knowledge of the types of policies or legal issues they would need to consider. You will also need to propose relevant metrics that should be collected to ensure that the information governance program is effective.
The CEO and Board of Directors have tasked you to develop a proposal (paper) that will give them the knowledge needed to make informed decisions on an enterprise-wide Information Governance program, addressing (at a minimum) all of these issues, for the company.
Requirement for the first part/milestone:
a.Title page
b.Executive Summary (Abstract)
a. Introduction (including industry discussion – 2 pages).
1. Comprehensively describing the industry you are choosing to use in the paper and preliminary challenges with information governance that you have identified.
2. paper describing the industry chosen and potential resources to be used
Note: 1. Must cite at least 2 references and 1 must be from peer reviewed scholarly journals and
2. Expectations are that it will be a scholarly work, using largely peer-reviewed resources, formatted to APA 7 style. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are significantly weighted. Any instance of plagiarism will result in a 0 on the activity (first offense) or failing the course (2nd offense).
I have attached Final project requirements as well as we discussed on chat.
Requirements: | .doc file | APA | Research Paper | 2 pages, Double spaced
Please choose one organization based on paper requirement will work on same organization for entire this portfolio project
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Also, the industry experiences challenges in the storage and sharing of information. The industry is among those that entirely depends on data collection. To ensure the efficient flow of information, health insurance firms store data in a way that it can be retrieved faster. Due to the collection of a vast amount of data, most insurance firms store their data in hard copy format, which may eventually result in data breaching issues. Lack of executive support is another challenge that most insurance firms experience. Indeed, a data governance initiative requires a fairly comprehensive foundation; most executives and board members are unaware of these requirements. As a result of this, IT and CIOs find it overwhelming to get data management programs from the ground (Chernyshev, Zeadally