“Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

ou MUST watch movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”You MUST watch movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”

Read the “One Critical Bitch” blogpost on Visual Literacy and Active Movie Watching (link below)

  • Watch Invasion of the Body Snatchers (DVD)
    • This is the film version of the Jack Finney novel by the same title. While it may seem outdated and even cheesy by today’s horror/thriller movie standards, watching it with a critical eye for its message and how the message is conveyed can make this movie downright creepy and disturbing. Here is where you’re going to put your visual literacy and active viewing skills to the test. Consider what you have read in the “One Critical Bitch” blog. NOTE: Be sure to read over the Journal prompt BEFORE you watch the movie. The prompt will give you specific instructions for what you need to do while you watch the movie.

Journal prompt:

Follow the active watching guidelines provided in the “One Critical Bitch” blog post. Use a notebook and track your responses. In the blog post, there is a list of “8 Ways to Actively Watch a Film.” Use the first six (6) in your written observations. Take specific notes on each. Several of these will require you to watch the film or at least several scenes more than once.

In your written response, share how each of the six (6) active watching techniques has changed the way you engage in visual literacy. Use specific reference to your observations of the assigned film. Complete your response by making a list of visual clues (dialogue, scenes, characters, plot points, setting, etc.) that gives some insight into how the film deals with the concept of fear and suspicion.


Guidelines for Response Journals:

  • Will be typed in a Word document
  • Will be 500 words minimum in length (add word count at end of journal)
  • Will cite the relevant text using proper documentation (include Works Cited)
  • Will have a title along with the journal number
  • Will use MLA format; one-inch margins, 12-point font, double spaced

You MUST watch movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”

You MUST watch movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”

Answer preview

The movie is very successful in bring up fear and suspicion for all the views. In the scene where the doctor finds a body of him developing in his greenhouse, there is the development of suspicion because the characters are unable to know correctly which people have been replaced and which people are real. When Dr. Miles Bennell kissed Becky in the mine, he discovers that she had slept and was now one of them. There is a lot of fear in the film as Becky raises the alarm and the doctor tries to flee. The fear comes because of the anticipation of whether he

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