Lies/Hubert Blankenship/The Leap/Sound and Sense Inbox

Lies/Hubert Blankenship/The Leap/Sound and Sense

Lies and Hubert Blankenship poem-200 words each poem

After you have read discuss the poem’s use of “Language, Word Choice, and Order” and “Visual Imagery and Figures of Speech.”

The Leap and Sound and Sense poem 200 words each poem

After you have read – discuss the poem’s use of “Symbol” and “Sounds.”

Requirements: paragraphs


Answer preview

Martha Collins, throughout her poem, plays with words, lie, lay, and laid to emphasize her message. When using the word “lie,” Collins (lines 11-14) emphasizes the importance of telling truths instead of lying. Further, when she uses “lay and laid,” they depict sexual encounters and resting (Collins, line, 10). The poet’s word choice and order from the poem’s beginning to the end can be confusing. According to Mays (476), these words present clear connotations, implying the poet’s attitude and tone when expressing her worldview regarding lies. An in-depth understanding of the reinforced message shows how lies can be contradictory

907 words



















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