Memory and History

Memory and History

interview on asking a person who was adult in 1980.


Find one person who was an adult (18+) in 1980. Ask to conduct an oral history with them focusing on their memories on how they engaged in politics at the time. Include any information the interviewee is willing to share (age, occupation, marital status).

Write a one-page analysis of the interview addressing how memory and history relate to one another.

Formatting: Student’s name, 1 page, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font, and 1 inch margins.

Potential questions:

Were they active members of political parties? Did they have strong feelings about the election? How did political changes

can you make it as if you are asking a real person cuz she will try to see from the answers if it was a real person.

The main part of the assignment is as follows:

-Include any information the interviewee is willing to share (age, occupation, marital status).

-Write a one-page analysis of the interview addressing how memory and history relate to one another.

Answer Preview

Mr. Peyton: Well, my name is Peyton Rodriguez, I was born in the year 1957 in a small town outside Michigan. I was the second born in my family of three having the first and the last born being ladies. I am now married to the most beautiful woman in the globe whose name is Mrs. Jennifer Rodriguez and we have three beautiful kids…

(475 Words)

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