Choose any five of the following terms and give me a definition of the term and an example.The example must be a real example from comparative politics.
Here is a list of the terms. Remember, choose any 5 of these (if you answer more than 5 I will just grade the first 5):
Write a short essay (no more than 2 double-spaced pages) on the following prompt:
Choose one of the following questions. Your answer should be in the form of an essay. A good answer will probably be about 3 to 5 paragraphs. In your answer, compare two examples of collective action. Don’t use the same example you are using in your paper.
1- Consider rebel groups in civil wars. Why do people sometimes join rebel groups, and when will rebel groups succeed? Use two different rebel groups as examples.
2- Consider pro-democracy movements. Why do people sometimes join these movements, and when will movements succeed? Use two different movements as examples.
Requirements: 3 to 4 pages
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Political instability is the final reason people join rebel groups, mainly to overthrow the ruling government or leaders. People do so after being influenced by some leaders who have a specific political interest. Rebel groups succeed when the issues being addressed are met, or negotiation between the group and the other parties is clearly laid out (Walter, 2019). One example of a rebel group in the United States is the rebel farmers that existed between 1799 and 1800 during the Fries’s Rebellion. The second example is the rebel slaves that existed in 1831 during Nat Turner’s slave rebellion.