Negative conflict


How conflict affects a team:–> positive and negative-


Negative conflict:


No conflict:

  1. Group think- close-mindedness- stereotyped views of outgrips- effect on conflict those who are opposed to the group are viewed as weak, evil, biased, spiteful, impotent, or stupid. Negative views of the ‘enemy’ make effective responses to conflict seem unnecessary.

Dysfunctions of a team #2 -fear of conflict

-Fear of conflict leads to artificial harmony

-Productive ideological conflict versus destructive fighting and internal politics

-Create environments where back channel politics, personal attacks and harassment thrive


Productive conflict:

Productive/good conflict = lack of commitment

The purpose of healthy debate or productive conflict is to:

  1. Produce the best possible solution and resolve issues more quickly and completely

    Good conflict is about unfiltered, passionate debate around issues

    Conflict norms must be clear

    Purpose of productive conflict is to:

  1. Produce the best possible solution

    -Discuss and resolve issues more quickly and completely

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Additionally, conflicts can help in the growth of the team. In the future, communication and expression of varying opinions will be easier to convey. The experience also promotes interpersonal relationships since members understand each other on a deeper level. Although conflicts may escalate within a team, it is beneficial for the members to engage in productive disagreements openly. It helps in problem-solving quickly and builds more understanding and respect for different perspectives. A healthy debate on specific issues in a team should not be discouraged; instead, conflict management should be practiced due to its benefits.

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Negative conflict
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