
Foundation of nursing practice


Professional ethics are at the foundation of nursing practice. Exploring ethical and legal issues that commonly arise in the practice of
the health care professional provides student nurses with the knowledge they need to understand their role in providing ethical care to
their patients. Ethical dilemmas in healthcare are not unique to nurses; however, the health care landscape is changing at an
unprecedented rate creating the potential for new dilemmas in practice. By examining the role of the nurse in collaboration with other
health care professionals, students learn the foundations for critically analyzing ethical dilemmas in nursing practice, clarifying values
and promoting moral considerations regarding health care challenges.
Develop a scholarly paper from one (1) of the following ethical topics/issues:
a. Professional Standards and Institutional Ethics

Offline marketing efforts


2. In 2010, the bank allocated 1,22 million or 21% of total ad budget to online advertising for acquiring checking account customers while allocating rest of the budget to offline marketing efforts.

3. Why did BBVA sign up a multi year NBA and ESPN sponsorship deals. Do you agree

4. What are the various steps in online acquisition process and how can the bank improve this process

5. What is the effective acquisition cost and LV of the customers through online channel

6. What is the role of display and search advertising in acquiring customers.? Id the budget allocation between

display and search correct?

Exchange Rate Adjustments and the Balance of Payments


Module 12 – Exchange Rate Adjustments and the Balance of Payments

Currency Depreciation

Q- Exchange rate fluctuation may affect industries that are in direct competition with foreign producers or rely on their supplies. Specifically, international competitiveness is affected through the influence the exchange rate has on relative costs. In a critical essay, assume that the following four events are taking place:

Americans increase their travel to Europe.

Saudi investors purchase large amounts of U.S. stocks
U.S. interest rates increase suddenly because of a relative increase of world interest rates

Other countries experience economic and political turmoil and become less stable when compared to the United States.

Then, please answer the following questions:

How will each event affect the foreign exchange market?
Will your answer be different if the currency was pegged?
Please explain if a dirty float system will change your assessment

Intellectual property


In this unit, you will select a case law pertaining to the topic of intellectual property.

Each case law analysis allows you to express yourself as clearly and fully as possible in dissecting a court decision. The purpose of the assignment is two-fold:

To give you the opportunity to read a real court decision.

To challenge you to think about how you would have decided the case. In your case law analyses, you must be able to navigate the court’s decision and summarize it; you are not expected to act as a judge or an advocate.

Using your selected court decision, prepare an analysis that responds to the following:

Articulates the importance, context, purpose, and relevance of law in a business environment:
Identify the parties who are before the court.
Provide a brief background to the problem. Summarize the facts in no more than 2–3 paragraphs.

Identify what is the specific disagreement between the parties.

IS Trupsim the new McCarthyism


My research QUESTION is : IS Trupsim the new McCarthyism?

please follow all the steps in the guide.

it should be 10 pages without the cover and references page

   Instructor/PNT GUIDE 

For Mid-Term and Final Paper

1.    Cover Page (Your Name


Name of Professor/Student Name

Course Title/CRN Number/Date

2.    Table of Contents

3.    SUMMARY (10 sentences) the findings about the research for midterm and final/paper/policy brief

4.    What is the issue? And The Question: Frame a question to address the issue. Your paper must respond to only one question

5.    Background  Info

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