Personal growth.

The assignment is a personal growth exercise involves interviewing a person whom you perceive as very different from you in terms of your cultural and social identities. This person should be engaged in a career and have at least ten years of full-time work experience.

You must incorporate the course concepts into your a written essay response. Describe your experience as follows:

  1. What are their social identities? How are they similar or dissimilar to your identities?
  2. What are kind of stereotypes does this person encounter? What is the accuracy of those stereotypes?
  3. What was it like growing up as a member of these particular groups? What was their greatest challenge then and now?
  4. Have they ever experienced discrimination at work or in other ways?
  5. How do their group memberships influence their current work environment or prior career choices?
  6. What have you learned from the interviewing experience that you could apply to your current or past work situations?

Your written work must be clear and well organized. In addition, your assignment must be at least 2 pages typed, double-spaced throughout with reasonable fonts and margins.

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Answer preview

Ibrahim admits to experiencing discrimination, especially at work. In his first job interview, some of the questions asked were highly discriminative. He had to answer questions such as whether he has been convicted of crimes such as terrorism. In his current job, during lunch hour breaks, he sometimes overhears coworkers claiming they are scared he might bomb the building and kill everyone. Offensive remarks are a form of harassment in the workplace, which creates a hostile environment for the victim (Bell, 2013). Ibrahim’s discrimination is also present in his personal life, whereby people call him weird names and give him long gazes to watch his every move, especially in crowded areas such as the mall.

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