Prevention of Ebola illness.

You have chosen to join WHO. They are particularly interested in your microbiology skills since there have been many outbreaks of disease around the world. Now that you have reviewed your microbiology, you have been notified that you will be sent to one of two areas, West Africa, or the Middle East. In preparation, the Peace Corp would like you to choose one of these areas and complete a plan to deal with outbreaks or potential outbreaks in the area.

Choose an outbreak from those below to investigate.

Ebola or Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)

Locate resources that will provide information about the infection, causing microbe, mode of infection, mode of spread, group or groups specifically susceptible, where outbreak occurred and when, clinical evaluation and diagnosis, infection control.

Find first person reports such as interviews or personal reports or journals on the outbreak. If you need help work with the librarian.

Design and submit an outline of the information you have uncovered. You will use this information to complete the project. The outline should contain information and cited resources for:

  1. Name of the disease chosen
  2. Causing microbe
  3. Mode of infection
  4. Mode of spread
  5. Group or groups specifically susceptible
  6. Where outbreak occurred and when
  7. Clinical evaluation and diagnosis
  8. Infection control.

Lesson 9

Activity 1: Completing the Project

First, using the information found, develop a one to two page maximum overview of the disease outbreak and the causal microbe.

Second, design a map showing the origin and spread of the infection.

Third, design a guide for communities on surveillance, control, preparedness and response to the outbreak. If this includes quarantine, describe how the community would carry this out, what resources would be needed, and what the communication protocol would be.

Submit completed project to Moodle

Activity 2: Oral Presentation

Prepare a 2 minute maximum presentation of your research to a WHO committee. You may do this presentation in person, live virtually on Adobe Connect, or video taped and submitted in Moodle.

Answer preview

accounted for 88 percent fatality ratio. All fatalities occurred after 11 days.  Since 1976, EVD has spread to other countries like Russia, and Philippines UK, and the United States.  Some of the common symptoms observed include diarrhea, vomiting, headache, fever, internal and external bleeding.  After the disease analysis researchers found fruit bats, some rodents were identified as a probable reservoir for filoviruses.  Today, over 29,000 fatalities have been recorded since the outbreak of the first incidence.  The Disease is caused by a virus from the Filoviridae family and the genus Ebola Virus. It is spread when one comes into contact with a person suffering from the disease.  There are different types of Ebolavirus, which include Bombali, Bundibuyo, Tai Forest, Sudan, Zaire, and Reston Ebolavirus.  It is known to cause the disease to pig and non-human primates.  However, it does not cause the disease to people.  Bombali virus was found to be in bats and cause disease to people and animals as well.

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