Power Point Presentation about COVID 19 and dental hygiene profession

Power Point Presentation about COVID 19 and dental hygiene profession

1. Read and review how COVID-19 has impacted dental hygiene professionals using peer-reviewed articles and online resources. 1a). Create an APA PowerPoint presentation that includes, title slide, goal and learning objectives slides, at least ten content slides, five professional images, at least two peer-reviewed, current journal articles, and a reference slide.

b). Design a lesson plan based on the insights gathered demonstrating how I project to deliver the planned oral lesson.

c.) Create, administer, and submit a five-multiple choice question quiz about the material presented in class. Answers are to be attached to the submission.

d.) Provide students with a flow chart handout to help retain the information presented in class.

e.)Design 3 questions to be asked to faculty members about COVID-19 and how as impacted their practice in education.

Requirements: 10 content slides   |   .ppt file




Answer  preview

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has created both opportunities and challenges for the dental health professionals
  • Opportunities includes expansion of the scope of practice
  • Challenges include burnout, anxiety, depression, and constraints in education programs.

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