Presentation Philosophy

Presentation Philosophy

Write me a 3 page committee presentation using the the three categories of the committee grading rubric found on Below. Be sure to cover all three categories.

—Category One: Did the student accurately represent the philosophical point in his or her


—Category Two: Did the student advance the logical investigation of some aspect of the

philosophical point in a “pro” or “con” evaluative stance?

—Category Three: Did the student connect the abstract philosophical point to some events in the

contemporary world in which the student lives?

Attached is the topic that you need to work on.

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Presentation Philosophy

Philosophy is an integral aspect of any society. People can only progress in an environment that encourages thinking consistently. The beauty of philosophy is that it helps individuals to address profound questions concerning the very existence of human life and other things, knowledge, values, ethics, and the roles played by different people in society. Philosophy helps us to appreciate how things are and to identify…

(1000 words)

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