he purpose of your Signature Assignment is to apply the forensic psychology diversity information obtained throughout the course to the development of a culturally competent forensic psychology program. Your program must address diversity, but you can choose which setting you want it to be implemented in. Examples include cultural diversity curriculum for law enforcement, culturally competent forensic interview format, remediation or intervention for a specific population (women, children, minorities, mentally ill, substance users, etc.).
Your program proposal should:
Explain the purpose of your program, specifying the need for services. Identifying a current gap in services may be helpful, or you can model your program off an already developed approach.
Provide background information (population served, problem it is addressing, etc.) about the program.
Describe the organization of the program. Who will run it? Where will services be implemented? How long is the program? Who is incorporated (parents, family, community engagement)? If it is an intervention, provide the structure of the sessions.
Develop a plan for implementation. How long will it take to implement?
Support your proposal with at least ten peer-reviewed references. Remember to incorporate your professor’s feedback from your outline submitted in Week 5 into your final proposal.
Length: 12-15 pages
Your program should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.
Answer preview
BLSP is a US-based charity organization that focuses on helping domestic violence female victims. African American and Latin/ Hispanic women are more likely to experience domestic violence compared to their White counterparts. Michau, Horn, Bank, Dutt, & Zimmerman (2015) outline that women who are domestic violence victims experience numerous short and long-term physical, mental, emotional, and reproductive health problems. It eventually affects their children and often results in high economic and social costs for women, their families, and societies. Most DV Women victims are more likely to become homeless. They are forced to flee from the places they call home, thus ending up in the streets. Secondly, DV women victims tend to suffer physical injuries which require medical help (Ali, Mogren, & Krantz, 2013). Forty-two percent of the women who experience domestic violence report an injury as a consequence of violence.