Religion assignment

The reading article is attached


This homework assignment will help ensure a dynamic classroom experience, and it will aid in progress on the course learning outcomes:

Include the following

  • Identify the main ideas of the assigned reading.
  • Identify two things you found interesting and want to discuss in class.
  • Identify at least one question you have upon completion of the reading. This should not be a “google question” (i.e., What are “Euroamericans”?). (You may include more than one question.)

Answer preview

Main ideas on the assigned readings

The readings have maintained a construction that race and religion have been working on a similar contest. Religion teaches how purity is associated with being as white as snow. In such a case, one may argue out that white is associated with goodness and purity, while black may be associated with contrasting definitions. The bible inspires some teachings that imply race bias as a variable (Randall 1996). Despite this being politely ignored, the society continually reflects and practices racism thereby affecting different aspects of…

(300 words)

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