response to marketing paper

response to marketing paper

I am going to send you a paper written on the same topic that you wrote on for me, I need you to respond to it in one and half to two paragraphs with two sources apa style.

Also the instructor comment on the paper I will send you that as well and I want you to respond to it in about a paragraph and a half with one reference

The paper you wrote for me on” how marketing is being perceived by both business and the general population”

Part 1 (150 words)

Respond to the instructor’s question below depending on what you wrote on R024.

This was the question that the instructor ask,” So is marketing a means to a transaction or communication tool”?

Part 2 (150 words)

Please give your contribution on the discussion below by agreeing to the argument and giving more insights on the topic.

response to that and also the paper below. responses should be separate

paper 1 gab

Marketing is all around us. Even when we are alone, marketing is not far away. We drive down the road, there is a billboard. We look at our phone, there’s an ad. Go to the doctor, the walls are covered with marketing for this procedure or that drug. It is not something we can get away from. Marketing is a way to identify, calculate and meet the needs of our human population (Kotler & Keller 2016). Most people tend to think of marketing just at the ad or final product of a marketing team. Marketing focuses on the needs, wants and demands of the public to satisfy each by positioning and segmentation of the population and reaching specifically to that group (Kotler & Keller 2016). Marketing gives companies the ability to sway public opinion to the company, product or way of thinking (Chabot 2012).

EpiPen is a great example of a great marketing campaign to push their product. The company ran a comprehensive campaign to raise the awareness of the childhood dangers of allergies. This campaign was brought right to schools, stocking the product around the country to help save children, then letting the parents know the product was there. Prior to their marketing campaign, the product was waning with less than $200 million in sales. Currently the product is over a billion in sales annually (Koons & Langreth 2015). This concept of marketing was successful because it showed parents an easy way to save their child’s life by getting the product in their hands to use.

Often, companies lower their standards to mere stunts to get attention drawn to their product. This was the case in 2002 when the company Vodafone paid two fans of rival rugby teams to steak the match with nothing but the Vodafone logo. This stunt did nothing for the company’s sales or image and cost them a $30,000 dollar fine. The two fans were arrested for breaking the law (Staff 2017). This type of stunt can be hit or miss, but breaking the law is definitely not the greatest idea for any company.

For a business person, marketing takes on many roles from increasing sales to educating the population about your services. Learning to incorporate marketing into your businesses everyday practices can be a key to success (Cheng, Lourenco & Resnick 2016).

Chabot, J. (2012). Managing public opinion: The importance of public relations. Retrieved from…

Cheng, R., Lourenço, F., & Resnick, S. (2016). Educating graduates for marketing in SMEs. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 23(2), 495-513. Retrieved from…

Koons, C. & Langreth, R. (2015). How marketing turned the EpiPen into a billion-dollar business. Retrieved from…

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management. Boston: Pearson.

Staff. (2017). Marketing stunts gone wrong. Retrieved from

Answer Preview

Marketing is mainly used as a communication tool by most businesses. It is very critical in relaying the necessary or rather the crucial information about a product of a company to the public. With time, business organizations and enterprises come up with new strategic and marketing plans that are very efficient. The efficiency of these new methods of marketing is…

(351 Words)

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