Safaricom Company Case Analysis

I need a paper about case work

I need a paper about case work……………………

The case is Safaricom, case no 14. Students will:

  1.     Write a brief summary about the company (location, size, number of employees, products/services, industry, how many years in business)
  2. SWOT Analysis
  3. List and explain the “barriers” and “opportunities” in the external environment (general and industry environments)
  4. List and explain the strengths and weaknesses of the company
  5. What is the competitive advantage of the company?
  6. How does the national culture play a role in the company’s strategy?
  7. What are the main strategies the company pursues? Explain.
  8. Discuss what types of entrepreneurial pursuits, innovation, and strategic attempts the company applies to minimize threats and explore opportunities.

All papers should be written in WORD in Times New Roman or Arial 12 point font with one inch margins, double spaced. Remember if you are using direct quotes, you must use quotation marks and cite the page number as well as the author & text. If the quote is longer than 3 lines, don’t use the quote marks, but indent it on both sides and single space the quote, and then cite the page number, etc. Ideas and theoretical concepts should be attributed to their originator and cited by author and text.  Follow APA format for cites and references.



Safaricom can proudly be categorized as the leading mobile services provider in Kenya. The company was founded in 1997 as a part of the Telkom Kenya Company. Twenty-one years later Safaricom has held its grips and outwitted other mobile service providers. It is mainly located in Kenya although some of its services as m-pesa have extended to other countries like Tanzania and South Africa. As at 2017 the company had a reported approximate over 5000 number of employees that it had at its ranks…

(1900 words)

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