Write a short essay, two to three pages, in which you answer the following questions. Be specific and use examples from lectures, films, and especially from the readings to support your argument.
Furthermore, feminists have embraced Marx’s class concept to understand sex and gender roles through the sexist ideology, whereby society perceives men to have more power over women. On this note, men’s social being determines their consciousness due to their material activity in real life as they conceive ideas, imagine, and use language to demonstrate development. Andersen (2015) reveals that class relations reflect the ideology of consciousness, which fall under the false consciousness and the class consciousness aspect. Generally, false consciousness portrays that the subordinate group should accept the ideologies of the dominant class. However, due to the nature of exploitation and changing norms, these false consciousness views have been changed into class consciousness. In this sense, the enlightenment, which the oppressed group gets, becomes a motivation in seeking a revolution of norms in the capitalist society.