Special Education Law Review

Special Education Law Review

Using the information from the readings for this week, prepare a three- to four-page written paper summarizing IDEA, NCLB, ADA, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Discuss the following elements:

  1. The purpose or main function of each law and how they relate to special education in public schools
  2. The six principles of IDEA
  3. The six principles of NCLB
  4. The important elements of Section 504 and ADA. Discuss the difference between Section 504 and IDEA
  5. The significance of educators having knowledge of these laws when educating students with disabilities

The paper must be three to four pages in length, not including title and reference pages, and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook to support your claims. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the references page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar in your online course.


Ashford 2: – Week 1 – Instructor Guidance

Week 1 Guidance


Turnbull, A., Turnbull, R., Wehmeyer, M.L., & Shogren, K.A. (2016). Exceptional lives: Special  education

in today’s schools. (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Chapter 1: Overview of Today’s Special Education o Chapter 1 provides an overview of the law and special education including IDEA, ESEA (NCLB), Section 504, and ADA.

Significant points in this chapter:

Law/Eligibility and Principles

Section 504 and ADA

Six Principles of IDEA and NCLB

IEP – components and conferences

Special education goals and results

Researched based activities for each level of development

How can the law be applied to Dylan Schwind? What can be learned from Dylan and his family’s experience?

1.   Serving children first – A teacher’s primary job is to benefit ALL students.

2.  Collaboration produces better outcomes – all educators/professionals working together with parents.

3.  Careful planning is critical for students who move frequently.  Consistency produces good outcomes.

It is important to understand the differences between the laws presented in this chapter.  The responsibilities for compliance with the law are important for all individuals working in our schools.

• Chapter 2: Ensuring Progress in the General Education Curriculum: Universal Design for Learning and Inclusion Chapter 2 identifies progress in the general education curriculum, universal design, inclusion, and the importance of an IEP.

Significant points in this chapter:

Progress in the General Education Curriculum


Supplementary Aids and Services

Universal Design

Inclusion/Student Outcomes

Multi-Tiered System of Supports

IEP (required members, strengths, concerns, evaluation, special factors, 8 required components)

How does this chapter connect to Jack Steinberg?

Think about the outcomes for Jack both with and without Universal Design for Learning and Inclusion.

It is important to understand how you, as a teacher, can impact the outcomes for students identified with special needs.

• Chapter 4: Today’s Families and Their Partnerships with Professionals o Chapter 4 discuss the importance of developing partnerships with parents and parental rights under IDEA.

Central points in Chapter 4:

Understanding today’s families

Quality of life

Your role as an educator

The importance of partnerships – ** See Box 4.1 on page 93

Strategies for educators (apply your knowledge)


How does this chapter connect to the Stuckey family?

It is important to understand that partnerships are very beneficial to professionals as well as families – but most importantly, students benefit!

Other required readings for week 1 include:

·  Center for Parent Information and Resources. (2010). Contents of the IEP. Retrieved from http://www.parentcenterhub.org/repository/iepcontents/

    • This article discusses the components of the IEP and provides pertinent and relevant examples.

·  Keuhne, C.C. (1998). Least restrictive environment: How do we prepare both our special educators and our general educators to comply with the provision? LD Online. Retrieved from http://www.ldonline.org/article/6083

    • This article discusses the legal ramifications of the LRE provision as mandated by IDEA, the relative and dynamic properties of LRE, and the collaborative dimension of implementing LRE for students in special education.

Discussions for this week:

Before responding to the Discussions for this week, read the articles listed under the Discussion section of your week 1 overview.

Your assignment guidelines for week one can also be found in the week 1 overview section.  Please let me know if you have questions before you begin work on this assignment.  This paper is due Day 7 of week 1.  You may submit your paper before Day 7.

10 hours ago

Week One Learning Outcomes

This week students will:

  1. Explain least restrictive environment (LRE) in the context of special education.
  2. Analyze various educational services and concepts for students with disabilities.
  3. Evaluate the importance of an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
  4. Apply the four major special education laws to educator practice.
  5. Generate strategies for effective collaboration with families.


AssignmentDue DateFormatGrading Percent
Post Your IntroductionDay 1Discussion0.5
LRE and FAPEDay 3
(1st post)
Importance of an IEPDay 3
(1st post)
Special Education Law ReviewDay 7Assignment8

Note: The online classroom is designed to time students out after 90 minutes of inactivity. Because of this, we strongly suggest that you compose your work in a word processing program and copy and paste it into the discussion post when you are ready to submit it.

Required Reading

    1. Read from your text, Exceptional Lives Special Education in Today’s Schools:
      1. Chapter 1 – Overview of Today’s Special Education
        • Chapter 1 provides an overview of the law and special education including IDEA, ESEA (NCLB), Section 504, and ADA.
      2. Chapter 2 – Ensuring Progress in the General Education Curriculum: Universal Design for Learning and Inclusion
        • Chapter 2 identifies progress in the general education curriculum, universal design, inclusion and the importance of an IEP.
      3. Chapter 4 – Today’s Families and Their Partnerships with Professionals
        • Chapter 4 discusses the importance of developing partnerships with parents and parental rights under IDEA.
    1. Center for Parent Information and Resources. (2010). Contents of the IEP. Retrieved from http://www.parentcenterhub.org/repository/iepcontents/
        • This article discusses the components of the IEP and provides pertinent and relevant examples.
  1. Keuhne, C.C. (1998). Least restrictive environment: How do we prepare both our special educators and our general educators to comply with the provision? LD Online. Retrieved from http://www.ldonline.org/article/6083
      • This article discusses the legal ramifications of the LRE provision as mandated by IDEA, the relative and dynamic properties of LRE, and the collaborative dimension of implementing LRE for students in special education.

Recommended Reading

    1. Center for Parent Information Resources. (n.d.). School inclusion. Retrieved from http://www.parentcenterhub.org/repository/inclusion/
  1. Wright, P. & Wright, P.  (2009).  Least restrictive environment (LRE) & FAPE.  Wrights Law.  Retrieved from http://www.wrightslaw.com/advoc/articles/idea.lre.fape.htm
      • This website provides an overview of legal cases related to least restrictive environment and FAPE.

Post Your Introduction
To post your introduction, go to this week’s Post Your Introduction link in the left navigation.
Post a brief introduction on the first day of class.  In your introduction, discuss your personal and professional interests, family situation, interesting educational or professional experiences, and educational and professional goals.  You are encouraged to post a picture of yourself!

Respond to at least three of your classmates’ introductions.

Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.

To participate in the following discussions, go to this week’s Discussion link in the left navigation.

  • LRE and FAPEPlease read the article Least restrictive environment: How do we prepare both our special educators and our general educators to comply with the provision? (Keuhne, 1998).According to IDEA, what do the terms Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) mean?  How does inclusion fit into the big picture of LRE?  Discuss the legal ramifications of the LRE provision as mandated by IDEA, the relative and dynamic properties of LRE, and the collaborative dimension of implementing LRE for students in special education.  In addition, discuss any personal experiences you may have had as part of an IEP team for a student where LRE was determined, or any insights you might have on ensuring LRE and FAPE for all students.

    Guided Response: Respond to at least two classmates by Day 7. Discuss any of your own personal insights on collaborating effectively to determine the LRE for a student, or ask for clarification from another classmate using an example or illustration to assert your own perspective.
    Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.

  • Importance of and IEPReview the article from the Center for Parent Information and Resources, Contents of the IEP. Summarize these components and explain the purpose and importance of the IEP in supporting the student’s educational outcomes.  Explain the role of the family in the IEP process.Guided Response:  Respond to at least two classmates by Day 7.  Extend their responses by sharing any of your own experiences with IEPs (as an educator, parent, or student), or share your personal insights on effective collaboration with families.

Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.

To complete the following assignment, go to this week’s Assignment link in the left navigation.
Special Education Law Review

Using the information from the readings for this week, prepare a three- to four-page written paper summarizing IDEA, NCLB, ADA, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Discuss the following elements:

  1. The purpose or main function of each law and how they relate to special education in public schools
  2. The six principles of IDEA
  3. The six principles of NCLB
  4. The important elements of Section 504 and ADA. Discuss the difference between Section 504 and IDEA
  5. The significance of educators having knowledge of these laws when educating students with disabilities

The paper must be three to four pages in length, not including title and reference pages, and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook to support your claims. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the references page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar in your online course.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Answer Preview
IDEA is an federal act that provides for federal financial assistance to the state and local education agencies. They solely provide these funds to make sure that there is special education for all children with disabilities in the states…
(1088 Words)
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