4.What is the method used by the firms to manage their cultures after alliance? underline the pros and cons of this method.
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The United Kingdom is the CPW’s oldest and largest market by value and ranks number three in the United Kingdom local market behind Weerabix and Kellogg’s. In the UK, CPW has total sales of about 170 million pounds and a value share of more than 1.7 billion pounds in the cold and hot cereals sector. Australia has become CPW’s second-largest market globally (General Mills, 2019). This was realized after Nestle acquired Uncle Toby, an Australian food company, making CPW’s market share to rise from 2% to 24% in 2015. According to Cereal Partners Worldwide CEO David Homer, the company had realized total revenue of $1.7 billion, which is a great achievement (General Mills, 2019).