Type your answers using Times New Roman font, size 12, and double spaced. Will be checked for plagiarism. Answer ALL questions.
When answering each question, use the readings to support your claims. Make sure to properly cite the readings in your answers using in-text citations (Last name, date, pg#) or footnotes. Even if you paraphrase, cite the source. When in doubt, cite it. You do not need a Bibliography nor a Works Cited page.
Please reframe from using outside material to answer the questions.You should only use the readings materials provided to answer the following questions.
Do not use nor quote powerpoint notes. Powerpoint notes are there to help you understand the readings – not answer the midterm questions. Do not waste space answering the questions using the title of the readings nor big quotes. If you use a quote that is longer than 2 lines, then you must indent the margins and single-space it.[1]
Requirements: 3 Short Answer Questions ~500 words each
3 Short Answer Questions ~500 words each
1. How has penal punishment transformed over time in the EU & US? Describe the transition of punishment as applied towards the body. Does the removal of the public spectacle of torture indicate a more humane/civilized Society? Why or why not? Explain what ideas and moments have contributed to the development of the first prison in the US. How did prison become the universal form of punishment? Use at least 2 readings.
2. List at least three factors that influence ideas of crime and criminality? How does class, race, gender and ethnicity impact interpretations on crime waves? What is the relationship between social, political and economic cyclical crises to incarceration trends? What factors have impacted mass incarceration today? Use specific examples to support claims.
3. What is scientific racism? How did scientific research, racial ideologies, economic conditions, and data collection impact the study of crime historically? What ideas of criminality are structural (consistent) in criminology? What is the role of biometrics and craniometry of ideas of deviance? Are crime statistics still relevant today? Why or why not?
Answer preview
Even though I might have to change certain aspects of my life, there are other traits that I am extremely proud of. Even though this might be my ego speaking, I am nonetheless proud that I have these traits. One such trait is the belief that people are inherently good. Even though having this perception might mean that I will get hurt or disappointed once in a while, when a person I assumed was good but turned out to be bad, giving people the benefit of the doubt is worth it. This is because trusting people is one of the most effective ways of building connections and forming meaningful relationships with the people around me. Developing a genuine relationship based on mutual trust and respect cannot happen when a person does not