The Effect On Homelessness To The Economy Of America

The Effect On Homelessness To The Economy Of America

Essay Progression Issue Proposal

For this assignment, you must propose an issue for your Essay Progression essays. You may choose almost any issue you wish, with the exception of:

  • Abortion
  • Legalizing Marijuana
  • Gay Marriage

Successful issues will be issues that have not yet been resolved. You will be writing three essays on this issue, so select an issue that is important to you, that you think you know something about or else you have a desire to learn about this issue, and that you feel strongly about or are willing to form a position about based on your research.

I strongly suggest following the same steps we followed during the class Issue Identification exercise, and you must frame your issue in the form of a research question, which follows the following format:

  • I am researching X
  • In order to Y
  • Because Z

You may attach your brainstorming exercises to this assignment for extra credit.

Answer preview

According to Benedict (2018), 554,000 people in the US were homeless in a single night in January 2018. Homelessness is the state of lacking a home. In America, homelessness is a common phenomenon as it has been there long before America became independent. As early as 1640, there were homeless Americans. Three centuries have elapsed since the first cases of homelessness were recorded and homelessness today is still an issue. The number of homeless people has been on the increase in recent years. This paper, therefore, seeks to establish the impacts of homelessness on the American economy. It is true that homelessness have greatly affected the economy of the country.

General research question: What are the impacts of homelessness…

(1000 words)

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