Identify the program you selected(attached is the program I selected). With this program in mind, respond to the following questions about effective processes and outputs.
Outputs: Are service users receiving the services they need?
Support your Assignment with evidence from the Hart City interface (e.g., community needs assessment, data provided about the program you selected) and with scholarly sources.
While the service users receive some of the services they need, the complaints log shows that conditions at the organization leave a lot to be desired. For instance, many services are not provided conveniently to the users, thus forcing many of them to forego basic needs. In the same vein, the organization does not fare very well in the timely provision of information on available programs and alternatives for users. The looming risk of closure due to the violation of state licensure requirements best exemplifies the shelter’s dire state. Therefore, the organization has a lot to do to ensure it fulfills its mandate and does not run afoul of the state and other donors.