Write an argument that agrees OR disagrees with a policy that the film maker wanted to bring back to the United States for Americans to have. For example, prison reform as shown in Norway or healthy school lunches as shown in France. Introduce an aspect of Yama and Niyama and explain how it may be applied to support your argument.
Your paper should include 5-7 reasons that support your argument. Use a variety of evidence including facts, statistics, case studies, scenarios, textual evidence, pictures, expert testimonies, etc. Your paper should include one counter argument and please provide a rebuttal.
Required Sources: 3 articles from newspapers, magazines, academic journals or library databases. The film “Where to Invade Next” should be another source.
Word Count: 950=1250 words
Extra Credit Source “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr. : Find quotations from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s letter from a Birmingham Jail that would support your point of view on this policy.
the policy from the film that i want is the prison reform or the Rehabilitation in prison.
Answer preview
However, there is a counter-argument for the policy reforms of United States prisons to be similar to that of Norway which claims that if prisoners are not controlled or shown more dignity they will become worse once given the freedom. This is attributed to the fact that the United States citizens view inmates as quite dangerous individuals who deserve longer sentencing and should be highly kept under. Also, if prisoners are not controlled while in prisons with use of tools such as seizures or tighter security then they will go for violence. However, I still stand by an argument for and not against the policy reforms of prisons in the U.S (Hayton, Paul, and John, 1732.). Furthermore, as Moore made other visits to Portugal he established that they have eliminated the penalties associated with the abuse of drugs. Rather, they treat drug addicts as patients who need health care instead of being confined to jails that do not provide appropriate treatment for such individuals. The United States should embrace such policies and enforce them in their prison systems to show more concern for human dignity. This aspect of the Portuguese systems has reduced the use of drugs in the state.