Why does health care data need to be aggregated

Topic 4 – HCI 660 DQ 1 & 2

Hi, Please answer the following DQ’s with 200-300 words each. Thank you

DQ 1:

What is the difference between structured and unstructured data? Compare the impact of using structured versus unstructured data.

DQ 2:

Why does health care data need to be aggregated? In the data aggregation process, what is the impact of using information that is assigned a code as opposed to free text data?




Requirements: 200-300 words each


Answer preview

Structured data refers to quantitative data whose contents are numbers and values and are normally used in machine learning and driving algorithms used in machine learning (Abhyankar, Demner-Fushman, Callaghan, & McDonald, 2014). Unstructured data, on the other hand, is qualitative rather than quantitative. Its components are mainly descriptions, audio, sensors, video, and more. Structured data is mainly used in text mining as well as in natural language processing. These two types of data also differ in their storage mechanisms in that while the storage of structured data involves tabular formats such as SQL databases, unstructured data is stored in video or audio file formats (King, 2018). Structured data also has predefined data

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