World of business.

hoose and highlight a chapter concept that resonated with you the most.Define and explain the concept in your own words. Give examples. If you must quote, please cite Bovée and Thill (2017). 200WORDS

Describe how and when this concept has been or can be applied in your own writing. How “new” or different is this approach compared to concepts you’ve learned from academic writing? Or is it in fact, quite similar? Explain. 200WORDS


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I am yet to start applying this concept, but I believe it will help me pass across information when the need arises. The three-step writing process will come in handy when I am making a presentation before an organization’s management. By applying the three-step process, I will be able to pass across the requisite information. To do this, I will have to first plan and think about what I Intend on saying. Planning entails more than thinking about what I intend to say before the company’s management. It involves first understanding what my audience will look like. Once this happens, can I then start seeking for the right medium to

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