Power point presentation for senior management

Power point presentation for senior management

For your final presentation, create a PowerPoint presentation which includes information about each of your three chosen countries.

1) describe your selection process for each country. Germany, Cuba, Nigeria

2) present your choice (or choices) of country for future expansion by your company. If you have found that none of the three countries are a good fit, you can make a case for that as well. That is the whole purpose of the due diligence process is to research so you can make and back up those educated decisions.

This should be presented as a professional presentation for senior management. What you would say during the presentation should be written out in the notes section at the bottom of each slide. (They will be listening to what you say in the presentation while they are looking at your slides. You do not want them to have to read your data.)

The information should come from the five milestone projects you have created.( all the info needed is attached below) You must have a title slide and reference slides at the end. You would not put citations on the slides, but into the notes area.

There is not a set number of slides which are required, but remember you are presenting to your senior management. You want to impress them with enough slides to get your points across, but not overload them. This is a high level presentation, so you are going to want to stick with what you found and how you came to your conclusions.

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