Author name: Prof. Millie June

Ethical Dilemma in Nursing

Nurses face ethical challenges daily during their practice. Each situation is unique, and it requires the nurse to set aside their values and beliefs to care for their patients properly. Situations requiring the nurse to make an ethical decision within the practice area are diverse and dynamic. However, the code set by the American Nurses Association (ANA) code of ethics remains the same (Varkey, 2021). Some ethical issues and dilemmas that abound in nursing include balancing between clients’ right to autonomy,  and the legal and ethical rights relevant to nursing care. Therefore, a nurse should be aware of all kinds of dilemmas they may encounter during their profession and how they can deal with them based on how they were dealt with in the past. Initially, the nurses need to know the difference between law and ethics. Ethics distinguishes the values and actions of the people.

Clients’ Right to Autonomy

Patients’ autonomy refers to the right of a patient to make decisions independently about their care based on their beliefs and values (Lamont-Mills, Christensen, & amp; Moses, 2018). It is a code of ethics that gives patients the right to refuse medication, treatments, or procedures that do not align with their values and beliefs or they do not find right. However, in some cases, nurses might find themselves in a conflicting situation about a patient’s right to autonomy and what the nurses or other health care workers believe is best.

For instance, caring for patients with cardiac disease when pregnant can be challenging for the nurse. It can raise ethical issues in balancing patients’ autonomy with their safety and well-being. During my research, I read about a patient named Samantha. Samantha is a twenty-six-year-old pregnant lady working in the nearby cafeteria and is seventeen weeks pregnant. She has a history of Cardiovascular disease (CVD), which has worsened over her pregnancy period. Her doctor is worried if she continues with the pregnancy, it might worsen her heart condition leading to a life-threatening emergency. Therefore, the doctor recommended the termination of the pregnancy within the next two weeks. However, based on Samantha’s beliefs, she believes that abortion is wrong, and she believes that God will heal her, so she is hesitant with the procedure. During their conversation, Samantha asked the nurse what she could do in her position. The nurse does not believe in abortion either, but he believes in protecting the health and lives of the patients. That brings the nurse into confusion because letting Samantha carry on with the pregnancy might cause their lives. Also, terminating the pregnancy will be going against Samantha’s autonomy.

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Nurse Practitioner Ethical Dilemma

Nurse Practitioner Ethical Dilemma

The Ethical Dilemma and The Impact on Patients, Nursing Practice, And the Research Process

Patients rely on nurses for their decisions regarding health and wellness. In some cases, the medical necessity for the patient contradicts the patient’s morals and beliefs (Lamont-Mills, Christensen, & amp; Moses, 2018). For instance, in such a scenario, the nurse preferred they terminate the pregnancy to save Samantha. On the other hand, Samantha wants to keep the pregnancy because she believes God will heal her. It is so common for patients to tell them what decision is best for their health. However, ethical dilemmas occur when the patient’s options differ from those of the doctors. That kind of dilemma can impact the patient’s health because if the nurse decides to let Samantha keep the baby, both can die because when her heart rate gets too high, it will be unable to keep the baby breathing, so both Samantha and the baby can die.

A patient must provide informed consent to the healthcare workers before receiving any medical treatment for it to be considered ethical and legal. If the nurse acts against the patient’s autonomy, the procedure can be considered an assault or murder if the patient dies due to the treatment. As a nurse, having informed consent means that all the patient has agreed to the treatment option with full knowledge of its risks and benefits, and in case of anything, the nurse will not be liable (Lamont-Mills, Christensen, & amp; Moses, 2018).   Based on our scenario, the dilemma will impact the nurse’s practice as he will lack confidence in his treatment plan. Autonomy from the patient makes the nurse feel respected, has stronger decision-making skills, and improves the clinical experience for the nurse and other clinical officers.

Autonomy is fundamental in nursing practice, and it is essential in the profession. When a nurse lacks autonomy from the patient, it becomes hard to use their professional knowledge and judgment to make decisions fit for the patient’s health. For nurses to exert full control of their practice, they should be aware of whether the condition allows them to practice autonomy. Operational autonomy is important in research because it has a positive effect on job satisfaction and the well-being of the patients.

Research Question

If a client’s life is in jeopardy, just like Samantha in our previous discussion, the nurse is obliged to provide safety for the client to avoid abandonment. If the nurse decides to go against the client’s wish, will he be acting against the nursing code of ethics?

How to Deal with this Ethical Dilemma

According to the American nurse association (ANA) position on reproductive health, every patient has the right to autonomy regarding their health based on full information from the nurse and without coercion (McCradden, Joshi, Anderson, Mazwi, & Goldenberg, et al., 2020). Based on our research question, if the nurse decides to go against the client’s wish, he will act against the nursing code of ethics, leading to legal cases. Nurses are supposed to provide all relevant information to the patient without bias and support the patient’s choice regardless of their decisions. ANA also affirms that nurses have the right to refuse participation in sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care based on ethical grounds if they are not assured about the patient’s safety and there are no alternative arrangements for care.

Based on our research question, the nurse should not share with the patient her personal beliefs and opinions regarding abortion as that will be providing the client with biased information. Instead, the nurse should express her concern about keeping the baby and encourage her to talk to her significant other, spiritual adviser, and any other person who could be of help in deciding to seek advice (McCradden, Joshi, Anderson, Mazwi, & Goldenberg, et al., 2020). That will help the patient develop a decision fit for her so that the nurse does not act against the nursing code of ethics. The nurse should also make follow-ups with other physicians before the time period ends to discuss the possible options before performing the procedure.

One Advantage Information Technology May Have on this Ethical Dilemma

Information technology has evolved over the past few years. While it continues to evolve, so do the decisions healthcare workers and IT managers should face (Glueckauf, Maheu, Drude, Wells, & Wang, et al., 2018). In such an ethical dilemma, information technology can help do more research regarding an ethical dilemma, which can help come up with alternative solutions.

In conclusion, the healthcare profession can be complex, and therefore ethical principles are required to provide the best practices. Four ethical principles govern the healthcare profession, each with a unique objective (Varkey, 2021). These healthcare ethics helps healthcare professionals view complex issues and make recommendations to ensure patients get high-quality, ethical care and not hurt patients. Due to the dynamic environment of healthcare, these principles were created to support professionals as they navigate patientcare.


Lamont-Mills, A., Christensen, S., & Moses, L. (2018). Confidentiality and informed consent in counseling and psychotherapy: a systematic review. Melbourne: PACFA, 1-16.

Glueckauf, R. L., Maheu, M. M., Drude, K. P., Wells, B. A., Wang, Y., Gustafson, D. J., & Nelson, E. L. (2018). Survey of psychologists& telebehavioral health practices: Technology use, ethical issues, and training needs. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 49(3), 205.

McCradden, M. D., Joshi, S., Anderson, J. A., Mazwi, M., Goldenberg, A., & Zlotnik Shaul, R. (2020). Patient safety and quality improvement: Ethical principles for a regulatory approach to bias in healthcare machine learning. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 27(12), 2024-2027.

Varkey, B. (2021). Principles of clinical ethics and their application to practice. Medical

Principles and Practice, 30(1), 17-28.

Ethical Dilemma in Nursing Read More »

For this assignment, students will identify an ethical dilemma

For this assignment, students will identify an ethical dilemma

For this assignment, students will identify an ethical dilemma and write a position paper on an ethical topic a nurse may face in practice, education, leadership, health informatics technology, and/or with various nurse’s positions. Examples of ethical dilemmas can be found on the American Nurses Association (ANA) Ethics link in the Week 6 Module.

Assignment Criteria

1. Identify a selected ethical dilemma that requires a masters prepared nurse to take a nursing position on.

2. Describe the ethical dilemma and the impact on patients (clients), nursing practice, and the research process.

3. Compose a research question related to the ethical dilemma.

4. Formulate a position on this ethical dilemma

5. Discuss one (1) advantage information technology may have on this ethical dilemma.

6. The scholarly paper should be in narrative format, four (4) to five (5) pages excluding the title and reference page.

7. Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion.

8. Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the paper.

9. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’) and in a scholarly manner. To clarify: I, we, you, me, our may not be used. In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used.

10. Include a minimum of four (4) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references to support the paper (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.

11. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).

Requirements: 4-5 pages   |   .doc file


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For this assignment, students will identify an ethical dilemma Read More »

Case Study- Apple Inc

Case Study- Apple Inc 

In Stage I (Discussion questions), your analysis will be geared toward responding to several questions related to the assigned case. This will require you to go beyond the rational analysis and provide you with more flexibility and freedom in formulating your answers, where you are not strictly bound by rational choices, as is the case with the SWOT matrix. This is to recognize that an organization is not an entirely rational entity but a dynamic one (e.g., actions are taken based on rational as well as other considerations), that a SWOT is not likely to capture all the nuances of an organization, and that considerations beyond what the data/facts indicate (e.g., organizational politics, wisdom of the strategic manager, factors that are not apparently visible, etc.,), all of which may play an important role in the formulation of a strategy. For example, a SWOT matrix may not touch on or provide a satisfactory answer to the type of questions, such as: How would you describe Steve Job’s leadership philosophy? Or what was the impact of the founder’s philosophy on the corporate culture, and does it help or hurt the corporation?

As Joseph Bower, Harvard Business School Professor and case author, mentioned, “We seek also, via the classroom case discussion process, to educate in the non-logical—that mixture of feeling and sentiment, comment and commitment, certainty and uncertainty—that goes into every decision and judgment. Such directed group discussion force attention to the human dimensions through which the analytic framework is filtered in real life. It serves further to emphasize the ongoing or process nature of the general manager’s world.’’ The Stage I is intended to complement the outcomes obtained based on a SWOT analysis process and add additional perspectives to the analysis

  • How sustainable is Apple’s competitive position in PCs?
  • What are the prospects for the iPad?

Requirements: 3 pages

Case Study- Apple Inc Read More »

Sustainability of Apple’s Competitive Position in PCs

Sustainability of Apple’s Competitive Position in PCs

Apple Inc. is among the Big Five companies in America in Information Technology alongside other companies: Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta, and Amazon. Since it was founded in April 1976 by Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Ronald Wayne, the company has been striving to produce personal computers and other products of the best quality and with unique and innovative features that appeal to the users (Yoffie & Kim, 2014). From the beginning, Apple adopted a differentiation strategy making it unique in the personal computer market. Apart from adopting a differentiation strategy, Apple’s products are always customer-oriented, leading to strong customer loyalty. This is one factor that has provided a sustainable competitive advantage for the company over other players in the industry.

Apple’s personal computers are one of a kind, and this has enabled the company to create a brand image that is incomparable to any. Apple produces personal computers used in the United States and different countries worldwide. The company has been building a wide range of PCs under the Macintosh or Mac name. According to Yoffie & Kim (2014), the first personal computer that was produced by the company was the iMac. iMac cost $1,299 and was one of the best in the market. It supported different plug-and-play peripherals such as printers which was a unique feature at the time. Some of the famous PCs in the United States include MacBook, Mac Pro, and iMac. To remain at the top and competitive, the company has been developing new versions of the Mac products that resonate with the customers’ needs and wants. The latest versions include new features such as better Intel processors, a new keyboard, and Touch Bar designs.

The mega-success of Macintosh is majorly based on its innovativeness and simplicity, where it has been breaking most of the conventional codes in the computer and technology industry globally. Apple is also a symbol of status, and this has also enabled the company to remain competitive and relevant in the industry. Owning an Apple personal computer is associated with being rich and of high status. To create this image, Apple has been striving to ensure that the customer gets value for their money by providing the quality and features of its unique and incomparable products to others in the market. Most of Apple’s PCs are highly priced, creating a sense of exclusivity and status. Apple’s PCs also work well among other Apple products such as iPhone and Apple Air pods (Yoffie & Kim, 2014). Unlike other Android devices, Apple devices can only pair or connect to other Apple devices, which can also be expensive. Apple’s high pricing of its products enables it to generate more than adequate revenue to invest in Research and Development and the continued production of high-quality and unique products (Yoffie & Kim, 2014). This strategy has enabled and will continue to enable the company to have a long-term sustainable competitive position in the personal computer market in the U.S and globally. According to Yoffie & Kim (2014), Apple’s major strength lies in its ability to easily price its PC at premium prices due to its high quality and unique features. Yoffie & Kim (2014) note that 91% of Apple’s personal computers are priced at $1,000 and more in the United States.

The Prospects of the iPad

It has been the culture of Apple Inc. to release new versions of different and improved versions of some of its products, such as the iPad. The company produces a new and more advanced version of the iPad yearly with better features. The first iPad was produced in 2010, and its price ranged between $499 and $829 (Yoffie & Kim, 2014). This was a bold move by Steve Jobs that was aimed at redefining the industry. The latest iPad is the iPad 9th generation which was released in September of 2021. Some of the features of the iPad include a faster processing speed because it contains a Tri-Core processor (Yoffie & Kim, 2014). The current and previous version of the iPad in 2020 is categorized as the fastest mobile device currently available. Most other features are almost like all different iPad generations previously produced. One of the standard features is the Retina Display introduced by the third-generation iPad. `Retina Display is the 1,536 x 2,048, meaning that the average viewing distance is minimal for an individual pixel making the iPad’s camera clearer than a human eye. The second prospect is the iPad’s multi-touch display feature that enables it to efficiently detect and process different touches on its screen. IPad can easily detect and differentiate between multiple and single finger touching. However, the display sizes change with each model, but the concept remains the same. The third feature prospect is the Motion Co-Processor introduced by the iPad Air. According to Yoffie & Kim (2014), Steve Jobs made sure that was different compared to iPhone and iPod, where he purchased two companies that designed and produced microprocessors for $400 million. This made the iPad to be Apple’s first device to operate on the company’s branded chip known as A4. The A4 chip is designed for the next generation of smart devices like the iPad that need high processing speed and low power consumption (Yoffie & Kim, 2014).   The Motion Co-Processor is mandated to interpret the different motion sensors within the device.

The fourth prospect is the device’s dual-facing cameras introduced by the iPad 2. The back-facing and front-facing cameras enable users to conduct FaceTime video conferencing efficiently, and this feature has been upgraded over the years. The fifth prospect is the high amount of iPad’s flash storage, which ranges between 16GB and 128GB depending on the model. The sixth prospect is the device’s Wi-Fi capabilities which enable it to support all Wi-Fi standards. This capability was introduced by the iPad 2, which introduced the “ac” standard. IPad also supports multiple-in multiple-out ability, referred to as MIMO.

The seventh prospect is the device’s Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity capability. This enables users to send videos and audio content to other Apple devices and speakers or headphones. The eighth prospect is the device’s ability to adjust its camera’s ambient light depending on the amount of light available in an area or a room. This enables users to have more explicit pictures and videos in dark or highly bright areas and allows the device to save on the available battery power. Lastly, iPad has ten hours of battery life, but this differs depending on how the device is being used. This enables users to use the device for a longer time before recharging hence making it convenient for saving on power. According to Yoffie & Kim (2014), the A4 chip makes the current smart devices heavily save on power due to the increased processing speed and other smart features.


Yoffie, D. B., & Kim, R. (2014). Apple Inc. in 2010. Harvard Business School.



Sustainability of Apple’s Competitive Position in PCs Read More »

Consider The Following Scenario For Your Unit VII Scholarly Activity

Consider the following scenario for your Unit VII Scholarly Activity

Consider the following scenario for your Unit VII Scholarly Activity: Your company just lost a multimillion-dollar contract with a company from South Africa when negotiations broke down at the bargaining table. This is not the first time that the company lost a lucrative contract because they could not close the deal when negotiating in a foreign country. As the newest member of the international human resource management (IHRM) team, you have been tasked with researching ways to increase the success of your company’s negotiating team. Specifically, your director is looking for a two-page report addressing the following issues:

  • Describe how international negotiators can utilize nonverbal communication to enhance negotiations between different foreign cultures.
  • Describe how persuasion is used in cross-cultural negotiations. Include three preparation and strategy tips for successful negotiations.
  • Explain three personal characteristics of successful international negotiators and how these enhance their ability to handle cross-cultural negotiations. Give an example of each.
  • Recommend how your company should integrate this information in a training program for international negotiators.

In the introduction to your scholarly activity, create a fictitious name for your company, and state where the company is located. List the city or neighborhood where you live as the location for your company. Your completed scholarly activity must be at least two pages in length. You are required to use at least two outside sources, one of which may be your textbook. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

City is Baton Rouge, LA

Requirements: 2 pages

Consider The Following Scenario For Your Unit VII Scholarly Activity Read More »

FIN307 Principle of Finance Minin Case & ch questions

FIN307 Principle of Finance Minin Case & ch questions

Week 8 Questions

Complete the following textbook questions:

Chapter 21: Questions 21-1 and 21-2 on page 868

Chapter 21: Mini-case on page 871 (complete parts A through E)

Business School Assignment Instructions

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least three references from outside the course material; one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.

Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost or on Google Scholar, government websites and publications, reputable news media (e.g. CNN , The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times) websites and publications, etc. Sources such as Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.

Requirements: 750-1250


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PSY-312-1AO75 Abnormal Psychology

PSY-312-1AO75 Abnormal Psychology

  • Prompt: Define “psychoactive substance” and give examples of the different categories of psychoactive drugs. Discuss whether these drugs are psychologically or physiologically addictive. Focus only on scientific research; this is not an opinion or personal experience paper.

Requirements: Minimum of 500 words. You may use the textbook, but do not directly quote the authors; paraphrase into your own words. Also, include at least one academic journal article from the Belhaven Library databases Academic Search Complete and/or PsycARTICLES to support your writing. Must be in APA format

Requirements: 500 words minimum


PSY-312-1AO75 Abnormal Psychology Read More »

Nutrition case study about 52-year-old Maria

Nutrition case study about 52-year-old Maria

Nutrition case study about 

Answer questions using at least 3-4 sentences for each question. All answers must be substantial and supported by evidence.

Case Study Maria:

Maria is 52 years old, has a healthy body mass index, and does not have any health problems. She prides herself on her knowledge of holistic treatments and goes to the doctor only when her attempts to treat herself fail. She occasionally takes one aspirin a day because she has heard that it can prevent heart attacks. She tries to eat a healthy diet and uses supplements to give her added protection against chronic diseases, especially heart disease, which runs in her family. Currently, she takes turmeric, garlic, and fish oil supplements to keep her blood thin. She routinely drinks omega-3–fortified orange juice. She attributes the bruises on her legs to being clumsy. She is thinking about adding vitamin E to her regimen because she heard it may also lower the risk of heart disease by thinning the blood. She is thinking about discontinuing her use of garlic pills and fish oil supplements and eating more garlic and fish in her diet instead.

  • What are the dangers of her present regimen?
  • What may be responsible for the bruising she is experiencing?
  • What would you tell Maria about the use of supplements in general? About the types and combination of supplements she is currently using?
  • What specific changes would you suggest she make? (Provide at least 3 changes with supporting rationale for each)
  • What would you tell her about using juice fortified with omega-3?
  • Is it safer for Maria to eat more garlic and fish instead of taking them as supplements? Is it as effective as taking them as supplements?
  • Could she overdose on garlic and fish oil from food? Why or Why not?
  • What questions would you ask about her diet to see if there are any improvements in her eating habits, she could make to reduce the risk of heart disease? (Include at least 3 with supporting rationale for each).

Resources: (Formatted in APA. Use in-text citations for all information taken from each reference.)

  • Download the Case Study document Download Case Study document
  • Think critically about the content of the case study and provide a 3-4-sentence answer for each question.
  • 1-2-word answers will not be accepted.
  • Submit completed document by due date.
  • See rubric for grading criteria

Nutrition case study about 52-year-old Maria Read More »

The Decade of Destruction

The Decade of Destruction 1000- 1500 words

Watch any 2 episodes of your choice from the documentary series “The Decade of Destruction” (links in the attachment below). Then attend one of the sessions of this upcoming event at Tulane (this Friday, March 18th), Revisiting “The Decade of Destruction” (1990): An Amazon Retrospective, where various professors will be discussing the themes around the documentary in themed panels throughout the day.

Then write a short paper discussing any theme of your choice related to either something seen in the documentaries or learned from the event. Your paper should incorporate a few different types of sources in it, at least one of each of the following kinds:
1) A primary, archival source of any kind
2) One academic, peer-reviewed source on the subject
3) A more recent news article related to the subject (from the past 10 years)

Your paper should be between 1000-1500 words. You can include as many sources as you wish but must have at least one of each type above.

Amazon Tulane 2022.docx Download Amazon Tulane 2022.docx

Requirements: 1000- 1500 words


This one-day, multi-disciplinary symposium uses the landmark Frontline documentary series “The Decade of Destruction,” released in 1990 and directed by Adrian Cowell, to revisit the Amazon crisis of the 1980s and the subsequent transformation of Amazon studies. What do we now know about Greater Amazonia that we did not know then? Tulane scholars and postdoctoral fellows from Anthropology, Communications, Political Science, Art History, Sociology, History, and Literature will address topics related to the greater Amazon basin, including archaeological and ethno-botanical reconnaissance, aerial surveillance, mining and oil/gas drilling, hydro-electric expansion, deforestation, migration and colonization, cattle ranching, electoral politics, Indigenous environmental ethics, parks and preserves, and global action (and inaction). We know that the Amazon region is in greater peril now than ever, and not just in Brazil. As the strains of the COVID-19 pandemic fade, what is to be done?

The Decade of Destruction Read More »



The purpose of this exercise is to practice a tool for overcoming writer’s block and developing ideas for essays.

Here are the details:

1. Find a magazine article that sparks a reaction in you. This reaction can be agreement, disagreement, anger, fear, happiness, etc. Any reaction is fine. Your reaction might be the notion that you want to respond or say something to the author of the article.

It does not matter what magazine you choose. It can be any magazine. It can be in print, or it can be online. It also does not matter if the article is recent or old. The main thing is just that you react to the article. After finding the article, you will read it.

2. After reading the article, you will write this exercise. This exercise is made up of three parts.

A. First, you will write a paragraph where you give the title of the article, the name of the magazine it appears in and the author. Then in that first paragraph, you will briefly summarize this article. That is, you will briefly tell what the article is about.

B. Write at least one paragraph sharing your reaction. At this point, do not be concerned with the organization. This is not a formal essay (that will come later); this is just an exercise to generate ideas.

Your reaction can be whatever you like. Just whatever thoughts are flowing out of your mind as you are thinking about the article, write those down. The thought process of this part of the exercise relates to the tools and ideas presented in the Ideas for Essays Lecture Notes in Unit 2.

This second part of the exercise where you share your reaction should be one to two paragraphs long.

C. Finally, after you write one or two paragraphs sharing your reaction, write a paragraph where you discuss possible essay topics that you see coming out of your reaction.

Here is an example: Let’s suppose I read an article about a recent hurricane striking the Gulf Coast. My first paragraph would identify the article, magazine, and author and briefly describe what the author is writing about in the article. Then I start a new paragraph and begin sharing my reaction. My reaction could be how scary it is that we are having so many more hurricanes and that they are so severe. Then that makes me think of all the suffering that takes place during natural disasters. My thoughts then begin to realize it is not only people that suffer but animals as well. I start thinking about homeless animals and how hard it is for them to get homes, especially older animals. My thoughts and reactions are not organized and very disjointed, but that is okay for this exercise because it is generating ideas. Finally, my last paragraph discusses possible essay ideas such as questioning why we are having so many storms, the government role in tragedies and help for homeless animals, especially older animals.

3. This exercise is to be at least one full page using our formatting guidelines of 1-inch margins, double spacing between lines, and Times New Roman 12 point type. It will follow the MLA formatting that you used in the Personal Narrative from Unit 1.


In 2-3 pages, identify and describe the three branches of government and what purpose they serve.

Use proper APA formatting and citations, including ‘in-text’ citations.

Reference at least 2 outside credible resources.



Etiologies of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia

Etiologies of Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia

After watching the Grand Rounds video listed here, please discuss the etiologies of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), the clinical scoring systems, and options for alternative anticoagulants and treatment. You should include information discussed in this grand rounds presentation, and well as from peer review < 5 years old research articles.

Etiologies of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia Read More »

Presentation: Realistic Clinical Case Study

Presentation: Realistic Clinical Case Study

Content Requirements
You will create a PowerPoint presentation with a realistic case study and include appropriate and pertinent clinical information that will be covering the following:

  1. Subjective data: Chief Complaint; History of the Present Illness (HPI)/ Demographics; History of the Present Illness (HPI) that includes the presenting problem and the 8 dimensions of the problem; Review of Systems (ROS)
  2. Objective data: Medications; Allergies; Past medical history; Family history; Past surgical history; Social history; Labs; Vital signs; Physical exam.
  3. Assessment: Primary Diagnosis; Differential diagnosis
  4. Plan: Diagnostic testing; Pharmacologic treatment plan; Non-pharmacologic treatment plan; Anticipatory guidance (primary prevention strategies); Follow up plan.
  5. Other: Incorporation of current clinical guidelines; Integration of research articles; Role of the Nurse practitioner
  • The presentation is original work and logically organized, formatted, and cited in the current APA style, including citation of references.
  • The presentation should consist of 10-15 slides and less than 5 minutes in length.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).

Requirements: 10-15 slides

Presentation: Realistic Clinical Case Study Read More »

Reading reflection Jewish Leadership

Reading reflection Jewish Leadership

Book: Leadership on the line by. Linksy & Heifitz

What do Linksy & Heifitz mean by “being on the balcony” versus “being on the dance floor”? How does one move back and forth between the balcony and the dance floor? Why is this an important part of leadership? Can you think of a time when you were evaluating a situation “on the balcony” or “on the dance floor”?

2. Linksy & Heifitz talk about finding out where people are at (starting on page 62), which includes being a good listener. What connections can you make between what they say about listening, and what Rabbi Jonathan Sacks teaches us about listening in his chapter “To lead is to listen” (p.251-255)

Requirements: 350- 500 words

Reading reflection Jewish Leadership Read More »

After a Lakewood IT Management Team Meeting

After a Lakewood IT Management Team Meeting

After a Lakewood IT management team meeting, they decided there is a need for even more information about the the IT service solutions you researched last week. The management team asked for more detail about the solutions you identified as the best selections. Revisit the solutions you selected in week 2’s paper in order to compare and contrast, at least five, features and functions in each solution. In addition, be sure to identify risks associated with implementing each recommended solution. Lastly, make sure to gather and include the capital costs and any on-going operational costs for the hardware/software associated with each solution.

The paper must not exceed 5 pages of content (the title page, abstract [if required], reference pages, figures/tables, and appendices are not content pages). In addition, the paper must use: After a Lakewood IT management team meeting, they decided there is a need for even more information about the the IT service solutions you researched last week. The management team asked for more detail about the solutions you identified as the best selections. Revisit the solutions you selected in week 2’s paper in order to compare and contrast, at least five, features and functions in each solution. In addition, be sure to identify risks associated with implementing each recommended solution. Lastly, make sure to gather and include the capital costs and any on-going operational costs for the hardware/software associated with each solution.

The paper must not exceed 5 pages of content (the title page, abstract [if required], reference pages, figures/tables, and appendices are not content pages). In addition, the paper must use:

Requirements: 3-5 pages

After a Lakewood IT Management Team Meeting Read More »

What is autism?

What is autism?

What is autism?

What is autism? Autism is a wide range of disorders that impair speech, non-verbal communication, and social behaviors. According to the Centers for Disease Control, about 1 in 54 children are diagnosed with autism (Lord et al., 2018). The condition affects the brain development of an individual, which influences how they relate with others. It creates problems when interacting with others since communication is a challenge. Repetitive behavioral patterns can also characterize the disorder. Autism has a wide variety of signs which describe its spectrum.

In answering the question “What is autism,?” there are several subtypes of autism that are caused by different factors, such as genetic and environmental influences. Autism is a spectrum condition with various challenges. The challenges faced by patients with this illness vary, whereby some can live independently while others require more support in daily living than others.

The development of autism can be attributed to sensory sensitivities or other medical issues. Conditions such as seizures, sleep disorders, or gastrointestinal illnesses comprise health issues that lead to autism (Lord et al., 2018). Also, mental health problems such as anxiety, challenges in concentration, and depression can cause autism.

The first symptoms of the illness often occur when an individual is two or three years of age. The early symptoms include decreased eye contact, indifference to their loved ones, and lack of responses to conversations; However, in rare cases, the disease can be diagnosed for a child aged 18 months (Lord et al., 2018). Other children grow normal until later years in life when they suddenly lose interest in activities, become withdrawn, and fail in language abilities. The level of severity for the children can vary from low functioning to high functioning. It is recommended that interventions for the conditions be applied early since it results in positive impacts later in life.

Children with autism have a high risk for the illness if there is a family member with autism. There are certain combinations of genes that increase the risk of a child being diagnosed with autism. The disease can be hereditary for autism spectrum disorders such as fragile X syndrome and Rett syndrome (Muhle, Trentacoste, and Rapin, 2014).

Genetic mutations can also raise the vulnerability to the illness, although this can also occur spontaneously. It is because autism impacts the growth of brain cells and communication. Autism is likely to occur four times more in boys compared to girls. Early detection for the illness improves the quality of life for children with autism.

No medical test is used to diagnose the sickness; instead, how the child speaks, and acts is analyzed based on their age and comparison to others. In 2016, about 2 in 1000 persons globally were estimated to have autism. However, the rate of autism diagnosis in the United States is high at 0.7%.


Muhle, R., Trentacoste, S. V., & Rapin, I. (2014). The genetics of autism. Pediatrics113(5), e472-e486.

Lord, C., Elsabbagh, M., Baird, G., & Veenstra-Vanderweele, J. (2018). Autism spectrum disorder. The Lancet392(10146), 508-520.

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What is autism?

Human Rights Violations in Turkey: FOA & FOE

Human Rights Violations in Turkey: FOA & FOE

EU criticises Turkey over human rights and democracy - BBC NewsFreedom of expression (FOE) and freedom of association (FOA) are critical to the sustenance of democracy within a given country. Violation of these two freedoms threatens democracy. Turkey is regularly rebuked and castigated for various human rights violations (Cinar & Sirin, 2017). The country’s authoritarian leadership is well known for censoring and criminalizing speech. This censorship extends beyond the traditional forms of communication to include social media and the internet. Protesting and picketing is a very dangerous endeavor in Turkey, considering the various restrictions placed on the freedom of association. Just to show the scale of the human rights violations in this country, out of the 20,657 judgments passed by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), sixteen percent of them list Turkey as the defendant (Cinar & Sirin, 2017). As long as authoritarian leadership continues in Turkey, the numerous violations of the freedoms of expression and association will become a regular feature within the country.


Turkey first earned recognition as a country from the international community in 1923. This came after the War of Independence, which lasted from 1919-1923. Mustafa Kemal Pasha led this war and sought to get rid of the terms espoused under the Treaty of Sevres (Dural, 2012). The war was quite intense, but Mustafa’s troops were making incredible progress, considering by the end of 1922 the French, Greek, and Armenian troops within Turkish territory, had been expelled, with the Turkish Provisional Government, situated in Ankara, working towards getting rid of the traditional Ottoman ideals and becoming a republic. Within the same year, the country’s Parliament formally got rid of the Sultanate, putting an end to over six hundred years of Ottoman rule (Dural, 2012).

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In 1923, the Treaty of Lausanne replaced the Treaty of Sevres, and as such, officially recognized the sovereignty of the newly created Republic of Turkey. Mustafa Kemal Pasha then became the country’s first president (Dural, 2012). Turkey is a member of the United Nations and joined the organization on June 26, 1945. Even though Turkey had moved from a monarchy to a republic, democratic ideals were still not recognized and adhered to, with the country operating under a single-party government. However, one year after joining the UN, the country had its first multiparty elections. Turkey has had its fair share of military-driven coup d’état in its attempt to embrace multiparty democracy.

The first coup took place in 1960, followed by another one in 1980. Modern-day Turkey straddles between Europe and Asia (Dural, 2012). The current government is under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Even though Istanbul is the country’s largest city, Ankara is its capital city. The fact that approximately eighty percent of the country’s inhabitants are Turkish makes it reasonable that it would recognize Turkish as its official language. However, there are other languages spoken in the country, including; Kurmaji, Zaza, Laz, Kabardian, and Arabic. Like most other countries around the globe, Turkey has numerous ethnic groups living within its territory, such as the Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Albanians, Laz, Circassians, and the Bosniaks (Dural, 2012).

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The country has an estimated total population of slightly over eighty-three million people. Turkey rests on the Anatolian Peninsula in Western Asia. Greece and Bulgaria border the country on its northwest side, with Georgia lying on the northeast, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Iran bordering it to the east, and finally, Syria and the Mediterranean Sea to the south.  According to a study conducted in 2016 by Ipsos, eighty-two percent of the country’s citizens were Muslims, predominantly the Sunni faction. Thirteen percent were religiously unaffiliated, while the remaining portions were Christians and Jews. Religion, especially its place within public life, has been the source of intense debate, considering it was founded on a secular basis. For quite some time, Muslim women were not allowed to do the hijab when in school or any government building because the hijab got equated to political Islam. However, the government softened this stand and, in 2011, allowed university students to wear the hijab. In 2013 Muslim women were permitted to enter government buildings wearing the hijab. Turkey is one of the countries with the highest adult literacy rate across the world. As of 2011, ninety-four percent of the adults were literate.

The country’s membership in the European Union places it not only under the jurisdiction of the European Union Court of Human Rights but also under the union’s Parliament (Cinar & Sirin, 2017). The European Parliament exercised this jurisdiction on March 13, 2019, when it requested countries within the European Union to suspend any accession talks they may be having with Turkey, in light of the country’s rampant human rights violations. In 2013, the country’s government faced intense protests throughout Turkey, fuelled by the plan to destroy Gezi Park. People were protesting against the replacement of the park with a shopping mall. Even though this was the trigger, the protests soon evolved and begun covering issues centered on violations of the freedoms of expression and association (Cinar & Sirin, 2017).

By September 2013, eight individuals lost their lives, over eight thousand five hundred people suffered various injuries due to violent measures rolled out by the government to shut down the protests (Cinar & Sirin, 2017). Koc Holding is one of the companies that supported the protestors, and as such, gave them sanctuary within their premises. Once the government realized this, they slapped the organization with a tax investigation. The culmination of these widespread protests was the unsuccessful coup d’état of July 15, 2016. Erdogan’s government reacted poorly to this and responded with mass purges characterized by numerous human rights violations (Cinar & Sirin, 2017).

FOE and FOA in Turkey

Freedom of Expression

Like most other countries in Europe, Turkey acceded to a couple of international legal instruments that uphold the freedom of expression (Cinar & Sirin, 2017). On August 15, 2000, Turkey accepted to get bound by the dictates of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights; they also did the same thing for the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. These two legal instruments underscore the importance of signatory countries ensuring that their citizens have the freedom to speak and express their opinions and ideas, as long as doing this does not interfere with another individual’s ability to enjoy their fundamental human rights.

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Turkey’s Constitution, under Article 26, accords citizens the freedom of expression (Cinar & Sirin, 2017). Despite the existence of these legal guarantees, Turkish citizens have for a long time suffered due to censorship and criminalization of free speech. Law 765 was the first legal instrument within the country to restrict the freedom of expression. This old penal code remained in force from 1926 until it got replaced by Law 537. Even though the old one got replaced, the new law still maintained some of the restrictions placed on the FOE. Besides Law 537, there are other edicts that do the same thing, such as Law 5816, also known as the offenses against the memory of Ataturk, Press Law, Law on Political Parties, Articles 215, 216, 217 of the Turkish Criminal Code, which criminalizes any offense against public order, and finally the Anti-Terror Law (Cinar & Sirin, 2017).

The country has the highest number of jailed journalists. Almost all these instances of jailed journalists can be attributed to the Anti-Terror Law. The government uses the various provisions outlined in it to label journalists and any other people who speak up as terrorists, arrest them, and then prosecute them. Between 2013 and 2018, over one hundred thousand cases got instituted within Turkey under the auspices of the Prevention of Terrorism Act. Freedom of expression is very important, considering it is the lifeblood of genuine Constitutional democracy, helping keep it vibrant, peaceful, and stable. Whenever citizens of a country feel angry or get frustrated at the performance of any institution of a government, this freedom gives them a platform to speak up and let out their frustrations. By doing this, people are able to calm down and, to some extent, even move on with their lives. More importantly, FOE allows for a vigorous exchange of ideas and promotes accountability.

The Turkish government deprives its citizens of this by restricting their freedom of expression. Human Rights organizations and other non-profits dealing with human rights have not remained silent on the FOE violations taking place in Turkey. On July 21, 2020, the Human Rights Association (iHD), in collaboration with the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TiHV) and the Initiative for the Freedom of Expression, released a joint report documenting the rampant violations of the FOE in Turkey. Their report outlines various incidences where people’s freedom of expression was violated, with many victims getting detained and arrested. For example, on July 17 in the town of Dersim, law enforcement authorities violently intervened against a group of protestors after a press statement instigated them to protest against the rampant sexual violence meted out against women (Bianet, 2020). By doing this, the government was restricting the protestors’ ability to freely express their dissatisfaction with the sexual attacks targeting women.

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On July 1, the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTUK) punished Tele1 Channel with a five-day media blackout. This happened after the government took offense with some sentiments expressed regarding the Directorate of Religious Affairs during a show known as “Karanliktan Aydinliga” (Bianet, 2020). According to a statement by Article 19 and Turkey Human Rights Litigation Support Project, FOE is still under threat in Turkey, with law enforcement authorities using Anti-Terror Laws to detain, arrest, harass journalists, human rights watch groups personnel, political opponents, lawyers, and academicians. (Article 19, 2020). This continues to happen despite the numerous adverse judgments against the Turkish government at the ECtHR, whereby the court pointed out how various laws within the country are continuously used to violate FOE, and as such foster dissent.

Criminal remedies for these violations are almost non-existent in Turkey, considering the slow and inconsistent decision-making by the country’s Constitutional Court (Article 19, 2020). All this can get attributed to the authoritarian government in place. The Executive, under the leadership of Erdogan, has centralized most of the political and constitutional authority, taking away Legislative and Juridical autonomy. As such, courts are increasingly becoming wary of handing out directives that may displease or anger the president, an aspect that makes them ill-equipped to handle FOE violation cases (Article 19, 2020). Political interference is very high within the Turkish Judicial system. Politically motivated prosecutions are quickly becoming the norm, with anybody speaking against the government immediately getting detained, arrested, and prosecuted. According to a report by Amnesty International, the country’s members of Parliament could soon give the government more censorship powers, especially within the digital environment (2020). The MPs are expected to pass a set of laws Amnesty International classifies as “draconian social media laws” that will allow the government to censor online content and even prosecute social media users (Amnesty International, 2020).

Freedom of Association

The same international legal instruments that require the Turkish government to uphold the freedom of expression also place a similar obligation on the government when it comes to the freedom of association (Cinar & Sirin, 2017). Basically, FOA encompasses the freedom people enjoy to organize, form, and participate in groups. This freedom is an integral part of any society, considering it allows people to track the human rights situation within the country. Without this freedom, people would not be allowed to form political parties, trade unions, NGOs, and other associations. The ability and capacity for citizens to come together and unite for a common purpose is critical in the fight against human rights violations (Cinar & Sirin, 2017). For example, when the draconian social media censorship laws in Turkey take effect, people should be allowed to form associations and protest against such a move.

Unfortunately, Turkey is one of the countries that heavily restricts the freedom of association. The country’s Constitution under Article 34 recognizes FOA, and as such, people seeking to come together do not have to inform authorities before they do this (Fontenille, 2019). Despite such an allowance, the Turkish government has over the years disbursed meetings for lack of requisite permission, even though the law allows people to freely associate without having to seek permission. Although the country has a relatively long history of restricting the freedom of association, the situation worsened after the unsuccessful coup d’etat of 2016 (Fontenille, 2019).

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According to a report by Amnesty International, Erdogan’s government instituted blanket bans on all assemblies across the country (Amnesty International, 2019). With such a directive in place, law enforcement authorities then began violently breaking up any assembly, arresting and detaining members of human rights watch groups and other associations, intimating they support terrorism. For example, in November 2017, the Ankara governorate imposed a ban on all LGBTIQ events. However, this ban got overturned in May 2019 by a court. In response to this, Middle East Technical University (METU) students organized a pride march within the institution (Amnesty International, 2019). Despite the fact that the ban no longer existed, the university’s management banned the event and called in law enforcement personnel to break up the March. As expected, these officers used unnecessary and excessive force to do this.

In March this year, local authorities in the city of Istanbul banned the International Women’s Day March using tear gas and other violent means to shut down the March (Amnesty International, 2019). Any person from the opposition, be it Kurdish women, mothers, prisoners, or socialists, would more often than not get arrested, with the government pointing to national security and public order offenses. All these actions are geared towards restricting the freedom of association. Even though Turkey ratified ILO Conventions such as Convention 98 that gives workers the right to come together and form unions to advocate for their welfare, the government still finds a way to limit such freedom.

Just as it happens to violations of FOE, the Turkish Judicial system is doing little to elevate the suffering of numerous citizens deprived of their freedom to associate with whomever they please. The government even went ahead and passed a law that would change the landscape and functions of bar associations (Freedom House, 2020). The legal profession in Turkey is one of the remaining politically independent institutions within the country. As such, they provide an independent oversight mechanism, protecting citizens from the excesses of the government. Most legal scholars around the world argue that such a law is an attack on bar-associations freedom of association. The Turkish Parliament passed legislation that altered the structure of these associations.

Initially, lawyers within a province could only be represented by a single bar association (Freedom House, 2020). Such a situation allowed bar associations to gain considerable power and influence not only within their provinces but also nationally. However, the new law seeks to erode such power by allowing multiple bar associations to operate within a single province. The government diluted the power of these associations by artificially creating competition within the Union of Turkish Bar Associations. By eroding their power, the government ensured that members of these associations would not have enough power and influence to challenge the various human rights violations taking place within the country (Freedom House, 2020). Initially, lawyers fighting against the government took comfort in the fact that their bar association would support them, and considering the influence they have, authorities would not mistreat them arbitrarily. However, the new law puts all this at risk, taking away the peoples’ last line of defense against human rights violations.


From the discussion above, it is clear that the Turkish government, under the stewardship of Erdogan, is preventing citizens from enjoying their constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of expression and association. Journalists, personnel from human rights watch groups, political opponents, and even individual protestors can no longer feel free to express their opinion or even come together and work towards a common goal. They fear the government will harass them, detain, and prosecute them. The country’s Judiciary should protect them against the arbitrary exercise of power. However, the lack of independence and political influence from the Executive makes it harder to do this. I believe it is high time the international community, more specifically the United Nations and the European Union, plays an active role in helping bring the dire situation in Turkey to an end. Rather than continuously criticizing the country, the EU and the UN should institute more punitive measures to force human rights compliance within the country. Finally, people should work towards strengthening the country’s Judiciary.


Amnesty International. (2019). Turkey 2019: Annual Report. Retrieve from

Amnesty International. (2020, July). Turkey: Draconian Social Media Law Poses Grave Threat to Freedom of Expression. Retrieve from

Article 19. (2020, March 2). Turkey: Failure to Act on European Court Judgements put Freedom of Expression at Risk. Retrieved from

Bianet. (2020, August 21). Report on Freedom of Expression Violations in Turkey in July. Retrieved from

Cinar, OH & Sirin, T. (2017). Turkey’s Human Rights Agenda. Research and Policy on Turkey, 2(2), 133-143.

Dural, B. (2012). The Leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atataturk: Turkish Independence War Introduction. European Journal of Scientific Research, 8(21), 184-200.

Fontenille, M. (2019, June 7). In Turkey, the Right to Freedom of Association and Unionization Remains Under Threat. Equal Times. Retrieved from

Freedom House. (2020, July 28). Turkey: New Law on Bar Associations an Attack in Freedom of Association. Retrieved from

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 “Policing ‘Vancouver’s mental health crisis’: a critical discourse analysis” Article Summary

 “Policing ‘Vancouver’s mental health crisis’: a critical discourse analysis” Article Summary


Boyd and Kerr (2016) investigated the mental health crisis in Vancouver using the police recorded evidence for five years. The study is based on the fact that the police department encounters mentally ill people more often when undertaking their duties. It is because the system for looking after people with mental health problems in Vancouver became ineffective, thus leaving people with mental health disorders to engage in law violating acts. The body of literature contributing to the completion of the study includes the police reports that can be accessed from the police department of Vancouver. Boyd and Kerr (2016) approached the topic by evaluating the discourses of mental health and dangerousness in the existing mental health system. The thesis statement that guides the reader throughout the study is that police have about mental health can apply in other areas. Therefore, analyzing the police department’s mental health information can assist psychiatrists and policy-makers in their work toward improving the lives of mental health patients.

Supporting Evidence

The first point that supports the thesis is the role of the police department in Vancouver as the only agency with the ability to make claims about the social problem related to mental health issues (Boyd & Kerr, 2016). The study states that one can only understand the real issues encountered in mental health by looking at how the police say about the mentally ill population. It is because when people with mental health disorders do not receive enough treatment, they end up in violent activities that lead them to jail. For example, a person with a personality disorder may become the perpetrator of domestic violence, which calls for police involvement, especially when someone is injured. The police department is also efficient in communicating the data collected in the field. Therefore, one can access records of the entire locality in one police station. Generally, Boyd and Kerr (2016) explain that the police department is the best place to access information related to mental health disorder victims’ social problems.

Another point that supports the thesis statement is the discourses of dangerousness associated with mental illnesses, as presented by the reports retrieved from the police department. All the reports held some negative representation of mental illness, showing how dangerous it can be in society. Some reports used the word danger to refer to the action of mentally ill people. It means that there is no good in mental health problems, especially during a crisis. Boyd and Kerr (2016) explored dangerousness discourse in police reports using two approaches. The first approach is the danger that the mentally ill people may expose themselves. For example, they might have extreme experiences of depression, which can make the victim develop suicidal ideation. The second approach is the danger that victims of mental problems pose to others when they become violent.

To support the above points, Boyd and Kerr (2016) used actual police reports as an example of how mental health disorders are a problem to society. For example, one report stated that most violent crime incidences are a result of mental health problems. This kind of problem is linked to the lack of collaboration between health providers and law enforcers, which means that problems cannot adequately get solved. Within the report, a proposed solution indicated that the institutions that deal with mental health should seek more resources and share information with the police department to avoid increased mental health problem incidences. Through these points, Boyd and Kerr (2016) explain how the police department can provide information to be used in other mental health agencies, as declared in the thesis statement.


Boyd and Kerr (2016) explain the article’s significance by acknowledging the importance of police roles when it comes to maintaining the well-being of people who live with mental problems. The reports they give about mental health problems helps to indicate the failure of mental health institutions that are supposed to care for mentally ill people. Also, the police department’s information eliminates any ambiguity that arises when people try to understand how mental health leads to social problems. Besides, the finding can apply to the development of a new policy. Policy-makers depend on what the public refers to as the problem. Therefore, by learning how poorly managed mental health care may lead to problems, policymakers can make informed decisions.

Also, Boyd and Kerr (2016) explain the significance of the findings by indicating its importance in knowing the kind of people who need help in society. Boyd and Kerr (2016) targeted the mentally ill people, but the explanation indicates that mental health patients who cannot access the care are the most vulnerable group in violent crimes. Therefore, the findings give insights on what to do to help the target population.


In conclusion, the thesis statement evolved allowed seeking information about social problems related to mental health patients, and the information can help health providers and policy-makers. The first main point discusses how police agencies provide a reliable source of information about mental health problems at the community level. The second point indicates how dangerous mental health problems can be in society. Therefore, as specified in the thesis statement, the reader can acquire information about mental health issues and the problems that policy-makers and health providers must solve. However, the study should have answered the following question. What instruments that the author used to verify the validity and reliability of the police report?


Boyd, J., & Kerr, T. (2016). Policing ‘Vancouver’s mental health crisis’: a critical discourse analysis. Critical Public Health26(4), 418-433.



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New To Leadership? Learn How To Delegate Effectively - InsperityDid Nurse Joserine delegate tasks appropriately? Why or why not? (please include the five steps of delegation)

Delegating Duties is a task that requires one to follow several steps to ensure activities run smoothly with minimal interruptions (Levin, 2018). Every organization has a specific way in which procedures are supposed to run. If a certain individual is absent, his/her duties are to be taken up by someone else competent enough to fill the spot. In the case of Nurse Joserine, I think that she was right to delegate her duties as she was needed a break. However, she did not do such a good job. Joserine followed only two steps of the five recommended for ideal delegation. First, she appointed appropriate individuals to handle each task. Secondly, she outlined the duties and expectations of the appointed people. However, she did not set a deadline or establish a way of determining the individual’s progress. Besides, Joserine barely made her representatives understand the level of authority associated with their assumed positions.

Who will be held accountable for the outcomes of the roles/tasks that Nurse Joserine has delegated?

Accountability is a key quality that ensures individuals maintain high levels of responsibility (Kendall, 2018). In the case of Joserine, the appointed representatives have to be under the authority of someone superior. The nursing coordinator who was left in charge of handling emergencies and other activities will be answerable to the CEO of the medical institution. The clinical specialist will also be answerable to the CEO as there is no other person second to this post. However, it is important to note that these two individuals lack adequate knowledge on how to handle the duties assigned to them. Therefore, in case of any damages, Nurse Joserine will be held accountable for her representatives’ outcomes.


Kendall, N. (2018). How new nursing roles affect accountability and delegation. Nursing Times, 114(4), 45-47.

Levin, R. P. (2018). The five steps of delegation.

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The Value of a Strategic Plan

The Value of a Strategic Plan

Value of strategic planning - Nedrelid Corporate Advisory

An increasing number of nonprofit organizations are seeking accreditation from an outside source to demonstrate best practices to their stakeholders. This 300 words post seek to identify one key organization providing accreditation services to nonprofits and evaluate whether or not its accreditation matters in terms of demonstrating best practices.

Strategic planning is an essential process in for-profit or nonprofit organizations. By focusing on nonprofit organizations, many leaders understand the need for strategic planning since it influences capacity building and strategic performance (Worth, 2017). These leaders have a mandate of formulating strategies and identify tools or resources that can help the organization meet its goals. Careful planning, collaboration, and communication are crucial factors that stakeholders are expected to demonstrate during the formulation of a strategic plan. A strategic plan is of significant value, considering that it enables leaders to plan appropriately through critical decision-making. Still, through the plan, the management outlines ways of enhancing marketing and fundraising initiatives.

The value of a strategic plan cannot be overlooked, taking into account that leaders come together in making crucial decisions on how to meet the mission and vision of an organization (Worth, 2017). Without having a consensus, it can be challenging to create a strategic plan. This also helps reduce stress among the leaders since the plan clearly outlines the roles every stakeholder should play. Further, it points out the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, and frameworks that establish the direction an organization should follow to be successful. This increases operational efficiencies since the management discussions assist in aligning the agency’s functional activities.

Moreover, with a strategic plan, leaders in nonprofit organizations can enhance marketing and fundraising efforts. As illustrated by Worth (2017), the SWOT analysis helps the leaders identify the agency’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. For instance, the evaluation of the opportunities influences the development of marketing fundraising strategies for boosting the agency’s mission. These strategies allow the agency to attract new supporters and even deepen the relationship with existing partisans. Once the marketing and fundraising strategies are formulated, the leaders can always refer or make amendments if they encounter challenges in the implementation phase.

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